Clavariadelphus mucronatus V.L. Wells & Kempton
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi


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E-Flora BC Static Map

Distribution of Clavariadelphus mucronatus
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Species Information

Chemical Reactions:
tissue dark green in FeCl3; no reaction in KOH (solution leaching to pale yellow or yellow), (Methven)
not distinctive (Methven)
not distinctive (Methven)
spores (10.5)11-15(16.5) x 3.5-4.7 microns, colorless with yellow oil droplets; basidia 4-spored with sterigmata 7.5 microns long or 2-spored with sterigmata 9.5 microns long, 49-75 x 5.3-7.5 microns; hyphae 3-11.3 microns wide, with clamp connections; sterile apex composed of narrow interwoven hyphae, (Corner), spores 10.5-14.5 x 3.5-4.5 microns, narrowly elliptic, boletoid or sway-backed in profile, smooth, inamyloid, pale yellow in KOH, thin-walled, contents multiguttulate and refringent to aguttulate and amorphous; basidia (2-)4-spored, 60-90 x 6.5-11.5 microns, clavate, clamped, sterigmata 6.5-9.5 microns long; leptocystidia scattered and barely projecting, 45-75 x 2.5-5 microns, cylindric to narrowly clavate, at times apically or subapically branched, with thin smooth walls, contents amorphous and pale yellow in KOH, with uninflated clamp connections; hymenium limited to the sides of the fruitbody; (apical pellis a palisade of basidia and sterile elements 35-60 x 4-6.5 microns, cylindric, subcylindric or narrowly clavate, at times apically or subapically branched, walls thin and smooth, contents amorphous, pale yellow in KOH, with uninflated clamp connections); subhymenium rudimentary; hyphae of trama 3-9 microns, uninflated or inflated (-16 microns), branched, "more or less parallel to longitudinally interwoven basally, more loosely interwoven upward, radially interwoven beneath the subhymenium", walls smooth and either thin or irregularly thickened to 1 micron, contents amorphous and colorless in KOH, with clamp connections that are uninflated or inflated (-12 microns), sometimes medallion or ampulliform; gloeoplerous hyphae 2.5-8 microns wide, "arising from generative hyphae at clamp connections, scattered throughout the trama, more abundant downward, uninflated, inflated (-12 microns) or strangulated, branched", walls thin and smooth, contents subopalescent, pale yellow in KOH, refractive under phase contrast, with clamp connections that are uninflated or inflated (-15 microns), sometimes medallion or ampulliform, (Methven)
Spore Deposit:
white, ''pale yellow'' or ''orange white'', "cartridge buff", "seashell pink", "light buff", "pale ochraceous-buff" or "pale ochraceous-salmon", (Methven)

Habitat and Range

Clavariadelphus sachalinensis and Clavariadelphus ligula may bear superficial resemblance to immature or dried fruitbodies of Clavariadelphus mucronatus, but lack the mucro, have apex that is spore-bearing, and have larger spores, (Methven).
gregarious in coniferous humus, (Corner), "Gregarious; terrestrial; coniferous needles and debris", (Methven)


Synonyms and Alternate Names:
Botryobasidium isabellinum (Fr.) D.P. Rogers
Hypochnus isabellina Fr.