E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum (P. Karst.) Parmasto
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Distribution of Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum
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Species Information

Features include 1) resupinate growth on dry barkless conifer wood, 2) fruitbodies that are dark blue to grayish blue, 3) elliptic to subcylindric spores that are smooth and amyloid, 4) a catahymenium composed of a) basidial elements, b) embedded pseudocystidia that darken in sulphobenzaldehyde, and c) numerous to scattered acanthophyses with apical projections, and 5) context that is monomitic with clamp connections. ''lividocaeruleum'' is considered a more correct Latin spelling than ''lividocoeruleum''.

It has been recorded from BC, WA, OR, ID, AB, MB, NF, NS, ON, PQ, YT, AK, AZ, CO, FL, GA, IA, IN, MD, MI, MN, MS, MT, NC, NH, NM, NY, UT, VT, and WI, (Ginns), and Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, (Eriksson). Collections were examined from BC, WA, ID, MB, ON, and Sweden, (Lemke).
Fruiting body:
corticioid, effused, dense, firm, adnate [tightly attached], when older somewhat loosened; "dark blue to greyish blue, often somewhat more pale when dry or even yellowish with a bluish tinge or a few scattered bluish patches", often weakly pigmented when young; smooth; margin not differentiated, (Eriksson), "corticioid, in linear to irregularly effused patches" up to 10cm long and 3cm wide, 0.01-0.023cm thick, "texture inconspicuous-pruinose to adnate-subceraceous or submembranous", hymenium "variously colored, often partially pallid to livid, finally partially to completely plumbeous to bluish-black"; surface continuous [without cracks]; margins adnate [tightly attached] and determinate [distinct], (Lemke)
SPORES about 7.5 x 3 microns, subcylindric, smooth, amyloid, BASIDIA 4-spored, 20-25 x 5 microns; PSEUDOCYSTIDIA numerous, 40-70 x 8-12 microns, often moniliform apically, contents granular; ACANTHOPHYSES numerous, 15-25 x 4-5 microns with short apical protuberances; HYPHAE monomitic "with thinwalled hyphae, usually densely interwoven and fused to an almost pseudo-parenchymatic structure in which distinct hyphae may be difficult to demonstrate", (even basidia and acanthophyses in the hymenium may be fused), in between hyphae are irregular and amorphous grains of a dark blue pigment, calcium oxalate crystals present in varying degrees, (Eriksson), SPORES 5.5-7(8) x 2.5-3.5(4) microns, elliptic to subcylindric, rounded on both ends, smooth, amyloid, thin-walled, apiculate; catahymenium composed of basidial elements, embedded pseudocystidia, and numerous to scattered acanthophyses, BASIDIA (2-)4-spored, (15)20-25(30) x (4)4.5-5(5.5) microns, subclavate, sterigmata up to 5.5 microns long and 1 micron wide at base; PSEUDOCYSTIDIA (macrocystidia) (25)30-80 x (4.5)5.5-8(9) microns, flexuous-cylindric, "often apically moniliform, walls thin to partially thickened", "contents faintly yellowish in KOH, darkening in sulphobenzaldehyde"; ACANTHOPHYSES mostly subclavate, (7)10-18(20) x (2.5)3-5(6) microns, apically pronged [bottlebrush-like at tip]; HYPHAE monomitic, of hyphae 2-2.5(3) microns wide, branched, with thin to partially thickened walls, conspicuously clamped, (Lemke)

Habitat / Range

on wood of conifers and hardwoods: primarily on dry decorticated wood, conifer test flooring, utility poles, associated with a white rot, (Ginns), principally on dry decorticated coniferous wood, (Lemke)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Helvella sphaerospora Peck
Pseudorhizina sphaerospora (Peck) Pouzar Ceska

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

Genetic information (NCBI Taxonomy Database)
Taxonomic Information from the World Flora Online
Index Fungorium
Taxonomic reference: Lemke(1) (as Aleurodiscus), Eriksson(2) (as Aleurodiscus), Ginns(5) (as Acanthophysium)

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Species References

Lemke(1) (as Aleurodiscus), Eriksson(2) (as Aleurodiscus), Ginns(5) (as Acanthophysium)

References for the fungi

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