General: Perennial herb from a compact, much-branched woody base, forming small mats but not stoloniferous; stems ascending, several, simple, silky woolly-hairy, 1-10 cm tall.
Leaves: Basal leaves linear or oblanceolate, stalked, 0.8-4 cm long including the stalks, 1.5-5 mm wide, silky woolly-hairy; stem leaves lacking.
Flowers: Heads solitary, terminal; involucres of 2 types, the female ones 10-18 mm tall, inner involucral bracts lanceolate, the outer bracts broadly oblanceolate, tinged, at least in part, brown or reddish-brown, thinly woolly-hairy below, the male ones 5-9 mm tall, involucral bracts marginally or apically colorless and more or less translucent, otherwise dingy blackish-green or brownish; female flowers 8-10 mm tall, the male ones 3-5 mm tall.
Fruits: Achenes elliptic, 2-3.5 mm long, finely short-hairy; pappus white with hairlike bristles, these finely-barbed upwards, 10-12 mm tall.
The table below shows the species-specific information calculated from original data (BEC database) provided by the BC Ministry of Forests and Range. (Updated August, 2013)