E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm.
chervil (garden chervil)

Introduction to Vascular Plants

© Jeanne Ross  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #79743)

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Distribution of Anthriscus cerefolium
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Species Information

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Annual or biennial herb from a taproot; stems branching, glabrous to sparsely soft-hairy, 50-70 cm tall.
Basal and stem leaves similar, triangular in outline, glabrous to sparsely soft-hairy, reduced upwards.
Inflorescence small, on stalks 2 cm long, borne opposite the upper leaves, in umbrella-like clusters.
Linear, 7-9 mm long, including the 2-3 mm long beak, the beak 1/3 the length of the body, glabrous.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia

Habitat / Range

Moist waste places in the lowland zone; rare in SW BC, known only from the lower Fraser Valley; introduced from Europe.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia


The climate type for this species, as reported in the: "British Columbia plant species codes and selected attributes. Version 6 Database" (Meidinger et al. 2008), is not evaluated, unknown or variable.

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Anthriscus longirostris Bertol.
Cerefolium cerefolium (L.) Schinz & Thellung
Scandix cerefolium L.

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

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