E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Calathella eruciformis (P. Micheli ex Batsch) D.A. Reid
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Features include minute, gray-white cup-shaped fruiting bodies appearing yellow in mass, the cup exterior looking minutely hairy under hand-lens, with an indistinct stem-like base, growth usually on dead wood and herbage of Populus species, and microscopic characters including basidia. The Cooke description here is of Lachnella eruciformis (Fr.) Cooke, found in BC and ID, which is assumed to be the same as or similar to Calathella erucaeformis (Fr.) Reid mentioned by Redhead for BC and ID and having the same spore size and habitat.

Collections were examined from ID, MB, MI, UT, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, also known from Turkey, (Reid), and BC, ID, AB, MB, ON, CA, MI, and UT, (Ginns).
Upper surface:
up to 0.2cm across and 0.2cm high, varying from almost tubular or narrowly funnel-shaped when young, to campanulate [bell-shaped] or turbinate [top-shaped] when mature, may be pendulous [hanging] in certain situations; when old the margin often conspicuously lobed and this may give the impression of a small colony; spore-bearing surface ?pinkish, (Reid), 0.02-0.1cm, more or less cup-shaped, spore-bearing upper surface gray-white; margin inrolled when dry, (Cooke)
firm (Reid)
white at first, becoming dark gray or blackish from below; appearing minutely hirsute [hairy] under a hand-lens, (Reid), gray-white, surface hairs white, appearing yellow in mass, (Cooke)
fruitbodies narrow downwards to a broad, indistinct, stem-like base up to 0.015cm high and wide, (Reid), subsessile to sessile (Cooke)
spores 5-8(10.2) x (1.75)2-2.5(2.75) microns, (slightly broader in Scandinavian collections, 1.75-3.75 microns), varying from subcylindric to very slightly allantoid (curved), sometimes tapered toward apex; basidia 4-spored, 20-26 x 5-6 microns, clavate, ''often with a rather distinct "tail" that curves round parallel to the sides of the hymenial cavity''; cystidia and gloeocystidia absent; hairs up to 250 microns long and 2.5-3.5 microns wide in aniline blue in lactic acid but up to 5 microns wide in 10% KOH, cylindric with obtuse tip and a long drawn-out base ending in a clamped septum, some hairs may taper gradually to acute tip, colorless, but in older specimens becoming brown toward base, thick-walled with rather narrow lumen, except toward apex where walls may thin out, toward the base the hairs becoming strongly agglutinated or even gelatinized and forming a distinct outer layer to fruitbody of very variable width; subhymenium hyphae 2-2.5 microns wide, much branched, colorless, clamped; context hyphae up to 3 microns wide, parallel, thin-walled, colorless, branched, with clamp connections, (Reid), spores 5-9 x 2.5-4 microns, ovate to cylindric to suballantoid (somewhat curved and sausage-shaped), apiculate, smooth, colorless; surface hairs finely to coarsely granule incrusted their whole length, thick-walled, 90-325 x 5-10 microns, hairs at margin of cup with a broad base; context of clamped hyphae 3-4 microns in diameter; subhymenial hyphae 2.5 microns in diameter, clamped; basidia 17-23.5 x 4-7 microns, 4-spored, clamped at base, (Cooke)

Habitat / Range

often widely scattered, but sometimes occurring in groups of 2 or 3, occasionally appearing aggregated into small dense colonies, (Reid), on bark, dead wood, fallen branches, twigs, barkless logs, herbage, on Populus and Salix, (Ginns), single to gregarious, on dead wood and herbage, usually on Populus species, but also on other hardwoods and Juncus, (Cooke)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Cyphella albissima Pat. & Doass.
Cyphella albocarnea Quel.
Cyphella eumorpha P. Karst.
Flagelloscypha eruciformis P. Micheli ex Batsch) Singer
Lachnella campanula (Ellis) Sacc.
Lachnella eruciformis P. Micheli ex Batsch) W.B. Cooke
Peziza campanula Ellis
Stromatocyphella lataensis W.B. Cooke

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Species References

Reid(4), Cooke(2) (as Lachnella), Redhead(21) (as Calathella erucaeformis), Ginns(5) (as Calathella eruciformis var. eruciformis)

References for the fungi

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