E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Callitriche marginata Torr.
winged water-starwort
Plantaginaceae (Mare's-tail family)
(Previously in Callitrichaceae)

Introduction to Vascular Plants

© Jamie Fenneman  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #9400)

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Distribution of Callitriche marginata
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Species Information

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Aquatic or semi-aquatic perennial rooting in mud; stems matted, very slender, 5-10 cm long, leaf-bases joined by a tiny, winged ridge.
All opposite; submerged leaves linear, single-nerved, very slightly notched terminally; emergent leaves wider, incompletely 3-nerved.
Inflorescence of tiny, inconspicuous flowers borne without bracts or with tiny, brown, linear bracts; female flowers with distinct stalks, much longer than the fruits; styles sharply reflexed.
Achene-like, 4, each 1-seeded, conspicuously wing-margined, oval, irregularly pitted in a fine network.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia

Habitat / Range

Vernal pools in the lowland zone; rare, known only from S Vancouver Island and Mittlenatch Island; S to CA and MX.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia


The climate type for this species, as reported in the: "British Columbia plant species codes and selected attributes. Version 6 Database" (Meidinger et al. 2008), is not evaluated, unknown or variable.

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Callitriche longipedunculata Morong

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

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General References