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General: Perennial herb from a stout stem-base, without rhizomes, often forming colonies; stems descending to ascending, (5) 10-30 (70) cm long/tall, simple to freely branched, often with bloom.
Leaves: Opposite below, usually alternate above, broadly lanceolate to elliptic or egg-shaped, 1.5-8 cm long, 0.5-3 cm wide, entire to finely toothed, with a bloom, usually densely short stiff-hairy; nearly stalkless.
Flowers: Inflorescence 3- to 12-flowered terminal raceme, bracts leaf-like, buds nodding; hypanthium absent; petals egg-shaped to broadly egg-shaped, 1.3-3.2 cm long, the upper 2 wider than lower 2, rose-purple to pale purple or occasionally white, short-clawed; sepals joined directly to the top of the ovary, lanceolate, 10-24 mm long, purplish; ovaries 1.2-2.8 cm long, greyish-short-hairy; anthers 1.4-3.2 mm long; styles 3.5-10 mm long, shorter than stamens, glabrous; stigmas deeply 4-lobed.
Fruits: Capsules, 3-10 cm long, glabrous or short stiff-hairy; stalks 3-40 mm long; seeds 1.3-2.4 mm long, narrowly egg-shaped, netted, tuft of hairs white, 9-17 mm long, persisting.
Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia