E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Clavariadelphus ligula (Fr.) Donk
strap-shaped coral

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi

© Steve Henstra  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #31286)

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Distribution of Clavariadelphus ligula
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Species Information


Not available
Fruiting body:
2-10cm high and 0.3-1cm wide at top, "simple, erect, unbranched or rarely forked", cylindric to flat-cylindric or club-shaped, the top usually rounded or bluntly pointed; "dull-colored (buff to dull yellowish, ochre-buff, pale reddish-brown, or vinaceous-buff); smooth to slightly wrinkled, (Arora), ocher-yellow to brownish yellow; 2-10cm high, 0.2-0.8cm wide at base, widening upward to 0.5-1.2(2.2)cm, simple, at first subcylindric, then narrowly clavate to clavate, occasionally fan-shaped, irregularly laterally compressed when mature, tip subacute, obtuse or broadly rounded, often lobed or contorted when mature, infrequently bifid; "at first ''light yellow'', ''pale yellow'' or ''pale orange'', "pale ochraceous-buff", "light buff", "cartridge buff" or "pale ochraceous-salmon", then ''brownish orange'' to ''light brown'', "pinkish cinnamon", "pinkish buff", "cinnamon-buff" or "cinnamon", finally ''light brown'' to ''brown'', "pecan brown", "vinaceous-fawn", or "fawn color", tip forest green to dark green following a frost or when mature, otherwise colored as the spore-bearing surface, where cut or bruised fruitbody surface staining slowly, irregularly the same color that the flesh stains, more conspicuously in lower part; fruitbody surface smooth, becoming longitudinally rugose to rugulose, tip smooth becoming rugose, (Methven), yellowish to ocher to reddish or dark apricot, (Phillips), initially pale yellow, pale orange, pale tan, pale pink-tan, then brown-orange to pale brown, to pink-brown, (Castellano)
pithy but tough; white, (Arora), initially solid, becoming more soft and spongy upward as top enlarges; white to pallid, on exposure staining ''brownish orange'' to ''brownish gray'', "vinaceous fawn", "vinaceous-buff" or "light pinkish cinnamon", (Methven)
"base whitish and hairy, often with white mycelial threads penetrating the surrounding humus", (Arora), base round in cross-section, at first ''light yellow'', ''pale yellow'' or ''pale orange'', "pale ochraceous-buff", "light ochraceous-salmon", "ivory yellow", "cartridge buff" or "light buff", then ''brownish orange'' to ''light brown'', "pinkish cinnamon", "pinkish buff", "cinnamon-buff" or "cinnamon", finally ''light brown'' to ''brown'', "pecan brown", "vinaceous fawn" or "fawn color"; "mycelial hyphae loosely interwoven or aggregated into rhizomorphic strands" up to 0.1cm wide, white to pallid, (Methven)
Chemical Reactions:
KOH negative, solution leaching to yellow-orange, FeCl3 green, (Methven)
not distinctive (Methven)
mild or bitter (Arora), not distinctive or slightly sweet, (Methven), slightly bitter (Miller)
spores 8-18 x 3-6 microns, elongated-elliptic, smooth, (Arora), spores 12-16.5 x 3.5-4.5 microns, "narrowly ellipsoid, boletoid or sway-backed in profile", smooth, thin-walled, inamyloid, colorless to pale yellow in KOH, contents "multiguttulate and refringent to aguttulate and amorphous"; basidia 48-85 x 8-11 microns, clavate, inflated apically when mature, with uninflated clamp connections; leptocystidia scattered and scarcely projecting, 40-75 x 2.5-5 microns, "cylindric to narrowly clavate, at times apically or subapically branched", contents amorphous, colorless to pale yellow in KOH, walls thin and smooth, clamp connections uninflated; hymenium thickening, extending over top of fruitbody; tramal hyphae 4-8 microns wide, interwoven, uninflated, inflated (- 12 microns), or broadly undulate, contents amorphous, colorless to pale yellow in KOH, walls thin or irregularly thickened up to 1 micron when mature, branched, clamp connections uninflated or inflated (- 12 microns), sometimes medallion or ampulliform; gloeoplerous hyphae 2.5-5 microns wide, arising from generative hyphae at clamp connections, uninflated, inflated (- 8 microns), or strangulated, contents subopalescent, pale yellow in KOH, branched, walls thin and smooth, clamp connections uninflated or inflated (- 10.5 microns), sometimes medallion or ampulliform, (Methven)
Spore Deposit:
white to pale yellowish (Arora, but Methven specifically says not white), "light buff", "cartridge buff", "pale ochraceous buff", or "pale ochraceous salmon", (Methven), white (Miller)

Habitat / Range

scattered to densely gregarious or tufted in humus under conifers, (Arora), scattered to gregarious, on ground, in duff, under mixed conifers, (Methven)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Clavaria ligula Schaeff.
Oligoporus floriformis (Quel.) Gilb. & Ryvarden
Polyporus floriformis Quel.

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

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worthless, (Arora)

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Species References

Methven(4) (colors from Kornerup(1) 1978 edition in single quotation marks, colors from Ridgway(1) in double quotation marks), Castellano(2)*, Breitenbach(2)*, Arora(1)*, Phillips(1)*, Miller(14)*, Lincoff(2)*, Sept(1)*, Petersen(15)

References for the fungi

General References