E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Clavariadelphus mucronatus V.L. Wells & Kempton
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Distribution of Clavariadelphus mucronatus
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Species Information


Not available
Fruiting body:
up to 8cm tall, 1-1.5(2.5)cm wide, narrowly clavate then narrowly turbinate [top-shaped], the sterile apex becoming truncate and often mucronate [with a short point from a flatter surface]; "white, unchanging at the apex, becoming tan to pinkish, cinnamon or vinaceous buff"; eventually longitudinally rugulose [finely wrinkled], (Corner), 2-8cm high, 0.2-0.3cm basally, widening upward to 0.5-2cm, simple, at first narrowly clavate to clavate [club-shaped], then broadly clavate to turbinate [top-shaped], irregularly laterally compressed when mature, "apex initially obtuse or broadly rounded, finally more or less truncate", typically mucronate [with a short point from a flatter surface] throughout development; spore-bearing surface initially ''pale yellow'' or ''pale orange'', "pale ochraceous-buff", "pale ochraceous-salmon", "light buff" or "cartridge buff", then ''grayish orange'' to ''brownish orange'', "light ochraceous-salmon", "cream buff", "pinkish buff", "cinnamon-buff", "vinaceous-buff" or "light pinkish cinnamon", apex initially white to pallid, then ''pale yellowish white'' to ''yellowish white'', "cartridge buff", "ivory yellow" or "marguerite yellow", when cut or bruised the surface of fruiting body staining slowly irregularly the same color as the flesh stains, more conspicuously downward; spore-bearing surface smooth, becoming longitudinally rugulose [finely wrinkled], apex smooth, (Methven)
sometimes hollow in upper part; white, unchanging, (Corner), "solid initially, becoming soft and spongy upward as the apex enlarges"; white to pallid, on exposure staining slowly and irregularly ''leather brown'' to ''brown'', "pecan brown" to "russet", (Methven)
base round in cross-section, ''yellowish white'' to ''orange-white'', "cartridge-buff", "pale ochraceous-buff", "light buff" or "pale ochraceous-salmon"; pruinose to pubescent; mycelial hyphae loosely interwoven or aggregated into rhizomorphic strands up to 0.1cm wide, binding the substrate, ''yellowish white'' to ''orange white'', "cartridge buff", "light buff" or "pale ochraceous-buff", (Methven)
Chemical Reactions:
tissue dark green in FeCl3; no reaction in KOH (solution leaching to pale yellow or yellow), (Methven)
not distinctive (Methven)
not distinctive (Methven)
spores (10.5)11-15(16.5) x 3.5-4.7 microns, colorless with yellow oil droplets; basidia 4-spored with sterigmata 7.5 microns long or 2-spored with sterigmata 9.5 microns long, 49-75 x 5.3-7.5 microns; hyphae 3-11.3 microns wide, with clamp connections; sterile apex composed of narrow interwoven hyphae, (Corner), spores 10.5-14.5 x 3.5-4.5 microns, narrowly elliptic, boletoid or sway-backed in profile, smooth, inamyloid, pale yellow in KOH, thin-walled, contents multiguttulate and refringent to aguttulate and amorphous; basidia (2-)4-spored, 60-90 x 6.5-11.5 microns, clavate, clamped, sterigmata 6.5-9.5 microns long; leptocystidia scattered and barely projecting, 45-75 x 2.5-5 microns, cylindric to narrowly clavate, at times apically or subapically branched, with thin smooth walls, contents amorphous and pale yellow in KOH, with uninflated clamp connections; hymenium limited to the sides of the fruitbody; (apical pellis a palisade of basidia and sterile elements 35-60 x 4-6.5 microns, cylindric, subcylindric or narrowly clavate, at times apically or subapically branched, walls thin and smooth, contents amorphous, pale yellow in KOH, with uninflated clamp connections); subhymenium rudimentary; hyphae of trama 3-9 microns, uninflated or inflated (-16 microns), branched, "more or less parallel to longitudinally interwoven basally, more loosely interwoven upward, radially interwoven beneath the subhymenium", walls smooth and either thin or irregularly thickened to 1 micron, contents amorphous and colorless in KOH, with clamp connections that are uninflated or inflated (-12 microns), sometimes medallion or ampulliform; gloeoplerous hyphae 2.5-8 microns wide, "arising from generative hyphae at clamp connections, scattered throughout the trama, more abundant downward, uninflated, inflated (-12 microns) or strangulated, branched", walls thin and smooth, contents subopalescent, pale yellow in KOH, refractive under phase contrast, with clamp connections that are uninflated or inflated (-15 microns), sometimes medallion or ampulliform, (Methven)
Spore Deposit:
white, ''pale yellow'' or ''orange white'', "cartridge buff", "seashell pink", "light buff", "pale ochraceous-buff" or "pale ochraceous-salmon", (Methven)

Habitat / Range

gregarious in coniferous humus, (Corner), "Gregarious; terrestrial; coniferous needles and debris", (Methven)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Botryobasidium isabellinum (Fr.) D.P. Rogers
Hypochnus isabellina Fr.

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Species References

Methven(4) (colors from Kornerup(1) 1978 edition in single quotation marks, colors from Ridgway(1) in double quotation marks), Corner(3), Smith(32), Marrone(1)*

References for the fungi

General References