E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Cortinarius casimiri
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Subgenus Telamonia Section Megaspori. Cortinarius casimiri is characterized by 1) a hygrophanous, umbonate cap which is whitish-fibrillose on a dark red-brown to wine-brown background, 2) a stem that is entirely lilac-brown when young, and 3) large spores. Breitenbach(5) gives Cortinarius subsertipes Romagn. as a synonym, but Moser(1) gives Cortinarius subsertipes Kuehner separately. The description here is derived from Breitenbach(5).

Cortinarius casimiri has been reported at least from OR (Lorelei Norvell, pers. comm.), BC (collections at University of British Columbia), and Europe (Breitenbach). Harrower(1) assigned a BC collection sequence 135 to Cortinarius casimiri. Morphological correlation is desirable.
2-3(5)cm across, acutely conic when young, later bell-shaped to flat and usually more or less acutely umbonate, "marginal zone often wrinkled to somewhat undulating", margin even and acute; hygrophanous, dark red-brown to wine-brown when moist and young, gray-brown to ocher-brown sometimes with a pink tint when dry; dull, covered with fine, whitish veil fibrils
thin; gray-beige to dark purple-brown
broadly attached and subdecurrent [somewhat decurrent], 24-32 gills reach stem, broad, 1-3(5) subgills between each pair of gills; gray-reddish when young, later gray-brown to cinnamon-brown; edges slightly crenate [scalloped]
3-8cm x 0.25-0.55cm, cylindric, base sometimes slightly bulbous, stem "flexible, solid when young, hollow when old"; "densely covered over the entire length by the whitish veil when young, later whitish circumcinct" [circumferentially banded] "to irregularly banded on a lilac-brown to red-brown background, often with a fibrillose-membranous annulus, apex lilac even in mature specimens, base reddening"
margin joined to stem by a dense, whitish, filamentous cortina when young; later often with a fibrillose-membranous annulus
weak, not distinctive
mild, pleasant
Microscopic spores:
spores 9.2-12.3 x 5-7.4 microns, elliptic, moderately verrucose, light yellow; basidia 4-spored, 26-40 x 8-10 microns, cylindric to clavate, with basal clamp connection; no cystidia or marginal cells; cap cuticle of periclinal hyphae 3.5-12 microns wide, colorless to yellow and mostly encrusted, septa with clamp connections
Spore deposit:
rust brown

Habitat / Range

usually gregarious "in hardwood and coniferous forests as well as under shrubs, primarily near hardwoods but also near Picea" (spruce), fall

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Species References

Breitenbach(5)*, Moser(1), Harrower(1)

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