E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Cortinarius oliveopetasatus
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Distribution of Cortinarius oliveopetasatus
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Species Information

Subgenus Phlegmacium. Features include 1) a glutinous, olive green to olive brown cap, 2) close gills that are clay-colored becoming yellow with an olivaceous tinge, 3) a pale yellow dry stem with an obliquely marginate bulb that is fringed by yellow to cream buff veil remnants, 4) growth in conifer forest, and 5) microscopic characters. A similar unnamed taxon occurs in the same area where the type was found, with more yellowish to olive colors and smaller spores (Moser(9)). The description here is derived from Moser(9).

Cortinarius oliveopetasatus was newly described from OR (Moser(9)), and sequenced from BC (Liimatainen(2)).
6-11.5cm across, convex with involute margin, sometimes slightly crenulate [scalloped], then flat and center becoming depressed, margin undulate [wavy]; "with dark olive-green to olive-brown colors", "disc in young specimens more ochraceous, in older ones dark red-brown, sometimes somewhat spotted"; glutinous, disc rarely innately fibrillose, sometimes innately fibrillose only on margin
whitish, cream colored, when old the color of oxidized apple slices, in stem cortex brownish
rounded near stem to emarginate, close, 80-100(110) reach stem, 1-3 subgills between neighboring gills, 0.5-1.1cm broad, equaling 2/3-1 times thickness of cap flesh; in young specimens argillaceous, to yellow with olivaceous tinge, with age rusty brown; edges eroded
5.5-10cm x 1-2.5cm, the obliquely marginate bulb 2.5-4.5cm wide; pale yellow when fresh, later yellow-brown
the bulb fringed by yellow to cream buff veil remnants
"weak, when cut of fresh cut grass"
"mild, slightly of radish"
Microscopic spores:
spores 11.2-13.8(15.3) x (5.9)6.5-7.7 microns, almond-shaped to somewhat sublimoniform [lemon-shaped], verrucose, apex smooth; basidia 4-spored, 35-42 x 8-9 microns, clavate, with clamp connection; no cheilocystidia; clamp connections present
Spore deposit:
[presumably a shade of brown]

Habitat / Range

in mixed conifer forest

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Species References

Moser(9), Liimatainen(2)

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