E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Dacrymyces minutus (L.S. Olive) McNabb
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi

© Jim Riley  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #19498)

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Distribution of Dacrymyces minutus
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Species Information

{See also Dacrymyces Table.} Dacrymyces minutus is characterized by small fruiting bodies, thick-walled cortical hairs, and 3-septate spores (McNabb 1973). The fruiting bodies are shallowly cushion-shaped to cup-shaped, gregarious, and dull orange to bright orange-yellow when fresh.

It is been found in BC, WA, NC, and SC, (Ginns).
Fruiting body:
0.08-0.3cm in diameter, about the same in height, pulvinate [cushion-shaped], turbinate [top-shaped] or shallowly cup-shaped, occasionally irregular, firm-gelatinous, gregarious; dull orange to bright orange-yellow when fresh, drying reddish orange to orange brown; substipitate or stipitate (with a stem or with somewhat of a stem), stem rarely to 0.3cm long, (McNabb)
spores 13-18(19.5) x 4.5-6(7) microns, curved-cylindric, tinted, thin-walled with thin septa, apiculate, becoming 3-septate at maturity, germination by colorless conidia or by germ tubes; probasidia 30-58 x 4.5-6 microns, cylindric to cylindric-subclavate, with basal clamp connections, becoming bifurcate; hymenium "confined to surface of disc or interior of cup, composed of basidia and occasionally simple, cylindrical dikaryophyses"; cortex "covered with thick-walled, simple or branched, clamped hairs, terminal cells varying in shape from narrowly clavate to broadly obovate, smooth, to 50 x 11 microns"; internal hyphae "thin-walled, roughened, clamp connections present", (McNabb)

Habitat / Range

gregarious on conifer wood (McNabb), Pinus contorta, Tsuga species, (Ginns)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Guepiniopsis minuta L.S. Olive
Polyporus corticola Fr.
Poria corticola (Fr.) Cooke

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Species References

McNabb(8), Ginns(5)

References for the fungi

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