E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Entoloma clavaformipes
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Section Polita. Tricholomatoid shape. Entoloma clavaformipes is distinguished by a yellowish brown, opaque cap 3-3.5cm across, a club-shaped stem 3-3.5cm long, isodiametric spores, and intracellular pigment, (Largent(1)). The description is derived from Largent(1).

Collections were examined from BC and FL (Largent(1)).
3-3.5cm across, flat and broadly depressed, margin decurved [downcurved], entire then eroded, eventually somewhat wavy; hygrophanous, yellowish brown fading to grayish orange or orange-white; opaque
up to 0.5-0.6cm thick near gill attachment, fragile; white
adnate to uncinate, subdistant, narrow, 0.3-0.4cm broad, somewhat ventricose [broader in middle]; white, presumably becoming pinkish, edges colored as faces; edges even
3-3.5cm x 0.4-0.5cm at top, equal or slightly widening downward, (also described as clavate), terete [round in cross-section] to more often flattened and grooved; at first white becoming brownish orange from base upward; at first covered with "dense or abundant, fine, white tomentum", [presumably non-viscid]
Microscopic spores:
spores 7.2-10.1 x 5.8-8.4 microns, 5-6 sided, distinctly angular, isodiametric [as wide as long], [smooth, inamyloid]; basidia in type 4-spored, 27.6-46.24 x 10.56-13.20 microns; pleurocystidia absent, cheilocystidia absent; cap cuticle a cutis, pileocystidia cylindric; stem cuticle a cutis without caulocystidia; clamp connections present on all parts; cytoplasmic pigmentation, hyphae not incrusted at all
Spore deposit:
pinkish brown

Habitat / Range

unknown in BC, in Florida in rich soil under a laurel oak

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Pleuropus entoloma Murrill

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

Genetic information (NCBI Taxonomy Database)
Taxonomic Information from the World Flora Online
Index Fungorium
Taxonomic reference: Entolomatoid Fungi of the Western United States and Alaska. 316. 1994; Pleuropus entoloma Murrill

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Species References

Largent(1)*, Ramsey(4)

References for the fungi

General References