E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Exidiopsis plumbescens (Burt) K. Wells
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Features include 1) growth on decaying hardwood, 2) a waxy-gelatinous fruitbody that is colorless to light gray or buff or nearly white, usually with a faint pinkish tinge, the surface granulose to pruinose, and the margin tightly attached but not easily apparent, 3) allantoid spores, 4) basidia that are longitudinally septate, developing on fertile hyphae that proliferate through the subbasidial clamp connection, 5) a hymenium that consists of a zone of basidia below a layer of dikaryophyses that are simple to sparingly long-branched, nodulose to short-branched apically.

Collections of Exidiopsis plumbescens were examined from BC, WA, OR, and CA, (Wells). It has been found in NB, NS, ON, GA, IA, and LA, (Ginns).
Fruiting body:
"spreading to form a thin, effused layer or arising as erumpent, hemispherical pustules that become confluent to form a continuous resupinate layer" up to several centimeters long, consistency soft to firm waxy-gelatinous, in section 0.0035-0.078cm thick; colorless to light gray or buff, or nearly white, usually with faint pinkish tinge, drying to nearly colorless, light to dark amber, or bluish-gray in strongly pruinose forms, sometimes light buff in thicker specimens; smooth to undulate (wavy), under the lens granulose to strongly pruinose, drying to a vernicose [varnish-like] layer, sometimes with scattered white mineral nodules; margin adnate [tightly attached], indeterminate [not distinct], thin to abrupt, (Wells)
SPORES (10.5)12.5-19(21) x (4.5)5-6.5(7.5) microns, cylindric-curved to allantoid, guttulate, capable of germinating by repetition; PROBASIDIA at first cylindric or broadly clavate, "proliferating through or near subbasidial clamps", hypobasidia with distinct basal clamp, forming (2)4 hypobasidial segments, "becoming oval, ovate, obovate to clavate, less often subglobose, very rarely pyriform with enucleate stalk", (11.5)12.5-20(24) x (9.5)10.5-16 microns, epibasidia 10-87.5 x (2)2.5-4.5 microns (when mature), "tubular to flexuous, usually enlarging apically, sometimes becoming delimited from hypobasidial segments"; cystidioles sparse to absent, 24-85.5 x 2.5-8(9.5) microns, subcylindric, subfusiform, subclavate, or flexuous [wavy], sometimes branching apically, thin-walled with staining contents, intergrading with simple dikaryophyses; probasidia and hypobasidia forming a well defined zone 25-50 microns thick and covered by a zone of dikaryophyses (9)12-30 microns thick; DIKARYOPHYSES 1-2.5(5) microns in diameter, "simple to sparingly long-branched, nodulose to short-branched apically, usually distinct"; fertile hyphae 2-5 microns in diameter, "sometimes branching, giving rise to both basidia and dikaryophyses"; SUBHYMENIAL HYPHAE (1.5)2-4(5.5) microns wide, "usually distinct, with clamps; thin-walled, infrequently becoming slightly thick-walled adjacent to the substrate"; in section fruitbody "consisting of a loose, ascending hyphal layer arising directly from the substrate" and terminating in the hymenium; "mineral accumulations present or absent in the trama, portions of the substrate sometimes incorporated in the ascending layer", (Wells)

Habitat / Range

on decaying hardwood, (Wells), Acer (maple), Alnus (alder), Arctostaphylos manzanita (Manzanita), Betula (birch), Fraxinus (ash), Liriodendron tulipifera (Tuliptree), Notholithocarpus densiflorus (Tanoak), Populus, Quercus (oak), Salix (willow), Umbellularia californica (California laurel), (Ginns)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Sebacina plumbescens Burt
Uncinula aceris (DC.) Sacc.
Uncinula bicornis (Wallr.) Lev.

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Species References

Wells(3), Ginns(5)

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