E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Fibricium rude (P. Karst.) Julich
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Distribution of Fibricium rude
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Species Information

Features include 1) resupinate growth on wood, 2) a white or creamy white spore-bearing surface, the margin with small rhizomorphs, 3) spores that are narrowly elliptic to cylindric, smooth, and inamyloid, 4) cystidia that are tapering, obtuse, thin-walled, with or without a globular cap that dissolves in mounting media, and 5) a dimitic hyphal system, the generative hyphae with clamp connections.

Fibricium rude has been found in BC, WA, ID, MB, NS, ON, AK, AZ, CO, MI, MT, NM, NY, and WI, (Ginns), as well as Europe including Scandinavia, (Eriksson).
Fruiting body:
resupinate, membranaceous, firmly attached; white or creamy white; generally smooth, cracked when dry and old; margin "thinning out, often with small rhizomorphs" which also occur in the wood, (Eriksson)
SPORES 4.5-5.5 x 1.2-2 microns, narrowly elliptic to subcylindric, smooth, inamyloid, acyanophilic; BASIDIA 4-spored, 12-17 x 3-5 microns, clavate; CYSTIDIA 45-60 x 5-7 microns, "obtuse, thinwalled, generally tapering, rarely cylindrical", apical part looks different from the basal part (especially in phase contrast, where apical part refractive), and may also have a globular cap of non-crystalline substance that is easily dissolved in KOH and other mounting media; HYPHAE dimitic: generative hyphae 2.5-3.5 microns wide, thin-walled, richly branched, with anastomoses and clamp connections, skeletal hyphae 1.5-2 microns wide, thick-walled, without branches or clamp connections, subhymenium "of densely joined generative hyphae, subiculum of generative hyphae mixed with skeletal hyphae", (Eriksson), SPORES 4-5.5 x 2-2.5 microns, short-cylindric; CYSTIDIA 55-85 x 5-7 microns, projecting to 50 microns, fusoid, (Martin)

Habitat / Range

on coniferous wood and hardwood, (bark and wood; twigs; needles; slash), Abies balsamea (Balsam Fir), A. concolor, Alnus oblongifolia (Arizona alder), A. rubra (Red Alder), Amelanchier alnifolia (Saskatoon serviceberry), Juglans major (Arizona Walnut), Juniperus sp. (juniper), Picea engelmannii (Engelmann Spruce), P. sitchensis (Sitka Spruce), Pinus banksiana (Jack Pine), P. ponderosa (Ponderosa Pine), Populus sp., Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir), Symphoricarpos occidentalis (western snowberry), Thuja plicata (Western Red-cedar), associated with a white rot, (Ginns), on "a wide variety of substrates but no doubt most common on coniferous wood", (Eriksson)

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Species References

Eriksson(3), Martin, K.J.(3), Ginns(5)

References for the fungi

General References