E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Galerina sideroides
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Distribution of Galerina sideroides
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Species Information

Features include 1) a hygrophanous, amber brown, viscid cap with a slightly striate margin when moist, 2) adnate, broad, ochraceous tawny gills, 3) a stem that is pale glistening honey brown becoming darker red-brown from the base and may have a few fibrils at first near the base, 4) non-distinctive odor and taste, 5) growth on coniferous logs, and 6) microscopic characters. Galerina sideroides is rare.

Galerina sideroides has been found at least in WA and MI. It has been reported from BC in Kroeger(3), It occurs apparently also in Sweden (Smith(2)).
1-2.5(3)cm across, obtuse to conic, then nearly flat or slightly umbonate; hygrophanous, "argus brown" to "amber-brown", fading with drying in streaks from disc outward to near cinnamon-buff or clay color; viscid, bald, margin faintly striate when moist, (Smith), 1-2.5(3)cm across, bluntly conic then +/- flat; hygrophanous, amber-brown fading to cinnamon-brown to clay-brown; greasy, margin lightly striate, (Moser)
thin, soft, (Smith)
"broadly adnate, seceding, subdistant to close, broad"; ''ochraceous-tawny when mature, paler when young''; edges even, (Smith), ochre-brown (Moser)
2-4cm x 0.2-0.25cm, equal, fragile, pale honey color in upper part, soon dark bay brown (red-brown) from base upward; bald and shining or with a few faint fibrils at first near base, (Smith), 2-4cm long, pale honey-brown, soon darker red-brown, (Moser)
absent (Smith)
not distinctive (Smith)
not distinctive (Smith)
Microscopic spores:
spores 7-8.5(9) x 4-4.5 microns, elliptic to obscurely oval, smooth, pale dull cinnamon in KOH; basidia 4-spored, 20-40 x 7-8 microns, colorless in KOH; pleurocystidia none, cheilocystidia "abundant, ventricose-subcapitate with a thickening of the wall most always in the capitellum, some nearly filamentose-capitate and then often irregular in outline", colorless in KOH; clamp connections present, (Smith), spores 7-8.5(9) x 4-4.5 microns (Moser)
Spore deposit:
ochraceous-brown (Buczacki)

Habitat / Range

gregarious on rotten coniferous logs (Smith), on rotten coniferous wood (Moser), fall (Buczacki)

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Species References

Smith(2) (colors in double quotation marks from Ridgway(1)), Moser(1), Kroeger(3), Buczacki(1)*

References for the fungi

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