E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Galerina subfiliformis
No common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi

© Michael Beug  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #89827)

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Distribution of Galerina subfiliformis
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Species Information

Galerina subfiliformis is characterized by a small, conic, pale cap, a pale stem, a thin veil, and spores that are large, pale ochraceous tawny, and smooth, (Smith). The description is derived from Smith(2).

Var. subfiliformis, described here, is found at least in WA and MI, var. cucullata in ME, and var. pallidipes in QC, (Smith). There are 4 BC collections of G. subfiliformis by O. Ceska at the University of British Columbia, 2 specified as var. subfiliformis and the others unspecified.
adnate, ascending, subdistant to distant, broad; pale ochraceous tawny when old
1-3cm long and less than 0.1cm wide, equal, fragile; very pale honey-color; top pruinose, base with pallid fibers from thin veil
thin veil leaves pallid fibers on lower stem
Microscopic spores:
spores 10-14 x 6-7 microns, ovate in face view, obscurely inequilateral in side view, smooth, pale ochraceous tawny in KOH; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia none, cheilocystidia 26-46(57) x 7-11 x 3.5-4.5(5) x 3.5-6(8) microns, "fusoid-ventricose with narrow necks and unenlarged to slightly enlarged to subcapitate apices"; clamp connections present
Spore deposit:
[presumably a shade of brown]

Habitat / Range

scattered on wet mossy conifer logs in cold localities

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