E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Gloiocladia laciniata (J. Agardh) Sanchez & Rodriguez-Prieto
blue branching seaweed

Introduction to the Algae

© Michael Hawkes  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #14795)

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Distribution of Gloiocladia laciniata
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Ocean Biogeography Information System (global distribution)

Species Information

Family Description:
Tetrasporangia are terminal and cruciately divided. The carpogonial branch is three cells long.
Species description:
This attractive red seaweed is deep red in color with a bluish, iridescent sheen. It has a small, discoidal holdfast, from which grows a clump of thin, soft, leafy blades up to 12 cm (about 5 in) tall. Each fan-shaped blade is slippery to the touch and more or less dichotomously branched into broad lobes.

The cystocarps develop on the surfaces of the blades; each protrudes above the surface and carries a distinctive circle of pointed knobs.

This species was named in honor of Fauche, a French naturalist.

Source: North Pacific Seaweeds

Habitat / Range

Bathymetry: intertidal to subtidal
World Distribution: Prince William Sound, Alaska, to Baja California, Mexico

Source: North Pacific Seaweeds

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Fauchea laciniata J. Agardh
Fauchea laciniata f. pygmaea Setchell & Gardner 1912b
Fauchea pygmaea (Setchell & Gardner) Kylin 1941

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