E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Hemimycena hirsuta
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

{See also Hemimycena Table.} Also listed in Veined category. Features include small size, white color, a translucent cap with fine hairs under a hand lens, gills that are absent or folds not reaching the cap margin, a thread-like stem with white hairs under a hand lens, growth on woody or herbaceous debris, and microscopic characters including elliptic inamyloid spores often with an oil drop, and 2(3-4) spored basidia. The online Species Fungorum, accessed October 4, 2014, gives Hemimycena crispula (Quel.) Singer as a synonym. Mycena crispula as noted by Smith for Florence Oregon is Mycena pseudocrispula according to Redhead(15). The description of Hemimycena hirsuta is derived from Redhead(15).

It has been found in BC, and is known from Europe and North Africa (Redhead(15)). Collections were examined from CA and TN (Desjardin).
0.1-0.5cm across, obtusely conical to bell-shaped becoming flat and sometimes depressed centrally, variable in shape and may have conic umbo; white; translucent, finely pubescent under hand lens [with fine hairs], edges uneven and sometimes crisped
absent or as uneven folds not reaching margin, spore-bearing surface decurrent, folds distant; white
0.4-0.8cm x 0.01-0.02cm, thread-like, white, finely pubescent under hand lens [with fine hairs], more noticeable towards base
Microscopic spores:
spores 7-9 x 4.5-4.8 microns, elliptic, smooth, inamyloid, colorless, thin-walled, with prominent apiculus, often with one "oil drop"; basidia 2(3-4)-spored, 19-22 x 5.5-6.5 microns, clavate to cylindrical, clamped; pileipellis hyphae repent, 3.5-4.5 microns diameter, thin-walled and smooth hyphae intermixed with thick-walled sparsely diverticulate hyphae, some giving rise to pileocystidia, pileocystidia 55-80 x 4-5 microns, setiform, thick-walled, colorless, inamyloid, smooth, narrow and tapering toward apex, occasionally forked at base, cap trama hyphae mostly of inflated cigar-shaped cells, 10-20 microns in diameter, thin-walled and smooth but with "scattered hemispherical to fingerlike refractive isolated thickenings", inamyloid; stem hyphae parallel, 2-10 microns diameter, thin walled internally, with thickened smooth walls externally, bearing abundant caulocystidia that are similar to pileocystidia and up to 90 microns long
Spore deposit:
[presumably white]

Habitat / Range

on woody or herbaceous debris including monocot litter, leaves, coniferous litter, Douglas-fir cones, all of which are damp

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Helotium hirsutum Tode

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

Genetic information (NCBI Taxonomy Database)
Taxonomic Information from the World Flora Online
Index Fungorium
Taxonomic reference: The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy, Edn 4. p.397. 1986; == Helotium hirsutum Tode; == Delicatula hirsuta Tode (Cejp); = Cyphella gibba (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schroeter; = Cyphella infundibuliformis Fr.; = Marasmiellus crispulus Singer; = Hemimycena crispula

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Species References

Redhead(15), Redhead(5), Desjardin(4)

References for the fungi

General References