E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Lachnum virgineum (Batsch: Fr.) P. Karst.
stalked hairy fairy cup

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi

© Paul Dawson  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #88665)

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Distribution of Lachnum virgineum
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Species Information

Features include a minute white cup thickly set on exterior and margin with white hairs, white hairy stem, growth on dead branches, twigs, canes, wood, cones, nutshells and plant stems, and microscopic characters including conspicuous lanceolate paraphyses. Haines(1) described a provisional variety exiguus in his Master''s thesis which occurs on Pteridium aquilinum sensu lato (bracken fern) in Washington and is distinctly smaller in all its features including hairs (up to 50 microns), asci (30-35 microns), spores (5-8 x 1-1.5 microns), and paraphyses (4-5 microns wide, up to 15 microns longer than asci). The cup is up to 0.05cm across, stem up to 0.1cm long. Haines says that Dennis mentions 2 smaller collections [of Lachnum virgineum] on Pteridium aquilinum. Lachnum virgineum is very common in the Pacific Northwest (Trudell(4)).

It is widely distributed in North America and is also found in Europe. It is reported specifically for WA by Kanouse and there are collections (as Dasyscyphus virgineus) from WA at the University of Washington. There are several collections at Cornell Plant Pathology Herbarium for OR. There are collections from BC at the Pacific Forestry Centre and (as Dasyscyphus virgineus) at University of British Columbia.
Upper surface:
0.05-0.1cm across, goblet-shaped when young, remaining cup-shaped for a long time, finally plate-shaped; spore-bearing upper surface white to cream, smooth; margin white and thickly set with white hairs, (Breitenbach), cup-shaped, disc up to 0.1cm across, cream, (Dennis), 0.05-0.2cm across, (Hansen), up to 0.1cm across (Haines)
white and thickly set with white hairs, (Breitenbach), white and covered with white hairs, (Dennis), white, drying white or pale ochraceous, (Hansen)
0.05-0.1cm long, distinct, (Breitenbach), long stem (Dennis), with stem (Hansen), 0.15-0.3cm long, densely covered with long white hairs, (Phillips), up to 0.1cm long (Haines)
spores 6-8 x 1.5-2 microns, fusiform to fusiform-clavate, smooth, colorless, without drops, uniseriate, not septate; asci 8-spored, 45 x 3.5-4 microns; paraphyses projecting beyond asci, 55 x 2.5-3 microns, lanceolate; hairs colorless, "thin-walled, encrusted, septate, tips blunt to slightly clavate", according to Dennis less than 120 microns long, (Breitenbach), spores 6-10 x 1.5-2.5 microns, fusiform or clavate, non-septate; asci 8-spored, up to 55 x 5 microns, cylindric-clavate; paraphyses considerably longer than asci, lanceolate, up to 5 microns wide, (Dennis), spores 6-11 x 1.5-2.5 microns, fusoid, aseptate; asci 45-55 x 4-5 microns; paraphyses exceeding asci by 10-25 microns, 4-5 microns wide, lanceolate; hairs 80-120 x 3-4.5 microns, "cylindric or with clavate to capitate apex, thin-walled", colorless, without apical crystals, (Hansen), spores 6-10 x 2 microns; asci 40-50 x 3.5-4 microns; paraphyses 3.5-4 microns wide, up to 15 microns longer than the asci; hairs up to 100 x 3.5-4 microns, (Haines)

Habitat / Range

gregarious to densely cespitose on dead branches and twigs, canes of Rubus (blackberry), beechnut shells, cones, etc.; throughout the year but especially in spring, (Breitenbach), on "many kinds of substrates such as wood, woody stems, cupules, cones and leaves", (Hansen), "scattered or in large groups on dead wood, twigs, and plant stems", April to June, September to October, (Phillips), primarily on hardwood debris (Trudell)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Dasyscyphus virgineus (Batsch) Gray [as Dasyscypha]
Lachnella virginea (Batsch) W. Phillips
Sclerotinia oxycocci Woronin

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no (Phillips)

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Species References

Breitenbach(1)* (as Dasyscyphus virgineus S.F. Gray), Hansen, L.(1), Dennis(1) (as Dasyscyphus virgineus S.F. Gray), Seaver(2) (as Lachnella virginea), Phillips(1)* (as Dasyscyphus virgineus), Lincoff(2)* (as Dasyscyphus virgineus), Kanouse(6), Trudell(4) (as Dasyscyphus virgineus), Haines(1) (as Dasyscyphus virgineus)

References for the fungi

General References