E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Loreleia marchantiae
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Features include 1) small size, 2) an orange, depressed, sulcate cap, 3) decurrent gills, 4) a stem colored as the cap, and 5) growth on liverworts.

It has been reported at least from BC (Redhead(5)). There are collections from BC at the University of British Columbia and collections from WA and AK at the University of Washington. It occurs also in Europe.
0.3-0.6cm across, convex becoming flat with slight umbo, later umbilicate; orange-brown; buttery-shiny, smooth, +/- translucent-striate, (Breitenbach), 0.5-1.2cm across, convex, soon with slight depression; orange to rust-orange; transparently sulcate, bald, (Moser), up to 1cm across, depressed; fairly bright orange, (Courtecuisse)
thin; orange-brown, (Breitenbach)
long-decurrent, 8-16 gills reaching stem, 1 subgill between each pair of gills, broad, some forked; white to cream; edges smooth, (Breitenbach), deeply decurrent, thin; white, then orange-hazel, (Moser), pale (Courtecuisse)
1.5-2cm x 0.1-0.12cm, cylindric, often bent, base somewhat wider; "light cream-orange to light orange-brown, base paler to whitish"; smooth, shiny, base sometimes white-tomentose, (Breitenbach), 2-2.5cm x 0.1-0.15cm, hollow; more or less colored as cap, (Moser), up to 2.5cm long and 0.2cm wide, concolorous (but illustrations shows paler than cap), (Courtecuisse)
none (Breitenbach)
mild, insipid, (Breitenbach)
Microscopic spores:
spores 7-12 x 4.7-6.6 microns, elliptic - tear-shaped, smooth, iodine-negative, colorless; basidia (2-)4-spored, 31-45 x 8-10 microns, cylindric-clavate, without basal clamp connection; pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia not seen; cap cuticle of parallel, somewhat intertwined hyphae, those in the uppermost layer 1.5-2 microns wide, deeper hyphae 2-5 microns wide, septa without clamp connections, (Breitenbach), spores (8.5)9.5-11.2 x (4.3)4.7-5.8 microns, longish, more rarely elliptic; basidia (2-)4-spored; clamp connections absent, (Moser)
Spore deposit:
white (Breitenbach)

Habitat / Range

single to gregarious among vegetation of springs or in wet places, among or near Marchantia polymorpha (a liverwort), summer to fall, (Breitenbach for Europe), on living and dead thalli of Marchantia paleacea in alpine zone, (Moser for Europe), on liverworts, especially Marchantia polymorpha, (Courtecuisse for Europe)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Gerronema marchantiae Singer & Clemencon
Omphalina marchantiae "(Singer & Clemencon) Norvell, Redhead & Ammirati"

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

Genetic information (NCBI Taxonomy Database)
Taxonomic Information from the World Flora Online
Index Fungorium
Taxonomic reference: Mycotaxon 82: 162. 2002; Omphalina marchantiae (Singer & Clemencon) Norvell, Redhead & Ammirati Mycotaxon 50: 398. 1994; Gerronema marchantiae Singer & Clemencon

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Species References

Breitenbach(3)* (as Gerronema), Moser(1) (as Gerronema), Courtecuisse(1)* (as Gerronema), Redhead(5) (as Omphalina), Redhead(59)

References for the fungi

General References