E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Lupinus sulphureus var. sulphureus Douglas ex Hook.
Fabaceae (Pea family)

Introduction to Vascular Plants

© Virginia Skilton  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #24878)

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Distribution of Lupinus sulphureus var. sulphureus
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Species Information

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Perennial herb from a branched stem-base; stems erect, 40-80 cm tall, slender, mostly unbranched, appressed silky-hairy to short-stiff-hairy.
Basal and alternate along the stem, palmately compound; leaflets 8 to 13, narrowly oblanceolate, pointed at the tip, hairy on both surfaces, 2-5 cm long, on stalks equal to the leaflets except the lowermost, which are 3-5 times as long as the blades.
Inflorescence a terminal raceme of numerous, whorled or somewhat scattered, pea-like flowers, the racemes 12-20 cm long, 2-4 times as long as the stalks; corollas yellow, the banner glabrous or sparsely long-hairy on the back, the wings glabrous, the keel fringed with hairs along the upper edges; calyces 2-lipped, not spurred, upper lip 2-toothed, the lower lip entire.
Pods, 2-3 cm long, densely silky-hairy; seeds 4 to 5, pinkish-brown.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia

Habitat / Range

Dry sagebrush flats and forest openings in the steppe and lower montane zones; infrequent in SC and SE BC; S to E WA and E OR.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia

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