E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey
cherry cup

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Monilinia fructicola produces a pale brown cup with a stem, growing from a thin black rind on mummified overwintered fruit of Prunus.

It is found in BC, and was examined by Elliott, M.E.(1) from ON, PQ, who gives a distribution in Canada also including BC and SK. There are also reports from AB, MB, NB, NS, and PE, (Elliott, M.E.(1)). Seaver says it occurs in eastern North America and in Europe, (Seaver). The type is from Europe.
Upper surface:
(0.2)0.4-1.4cm wide, deep cup-shaped to cup-shaped; Sienna to Ochreous to Fulvous (colors from Rayner); colonies of conidial state buff-colored, (Elliott, M.E.), reaching width of 1-1.5cm, shallow cup-shaped, or nearly flat when mature; pale brown; conidial state ash-gray or dark olivaceous, (Seaver)
slightly darker than upper surface (Elliott, M.E.), lighter than upper surface (Seaver)
1.5-4cm long and about 0.1cm wide at top; close to Bay (color from Rayner), stroma "well-developed, a thin, black rind on both outer and inside surfaces of the flesh of the fruit, appears as a hollow spheroid, often enclosing the mummified fruit", (Elliott, M.E.), of variable length but often reaching 2-3cm, (Seaver)
spores 8.3-11.6 x 4.5-7.0 microns, elliptic to oval; obliquely uniseriate, one-celled, binucleate (generating ascospores with 4 nuclei); asci 8-spored, 125-159 microns x 8-10 microns, cylindric, tapering in lower part to form indistinct stem, slightly expanded at base, rounded or flattened at tip, spores generally in upper half of ascus, inoperculate, pore stained blue in IKI; paraphyses only slightly longer than asci, about 2.5 microns wide at somewhat enlarged tip, colorless, thread-like, septate, rarely branched near base; conidia 13-27 x (6)8-17 microns, elliptic, elongate-elliptic to lemon-shaped, rarely spherical, developed acrogenously in chains, nearly colorless to pale olivaceous-buff; microconidia 2.5-3 microns, in chains and phialides, colorless, spherical, often freed with collarette attached, associated with conidia and rarely fruitbodies, (Elliott, M.E.), spores 6-7 x 3-3.5 microns, elliptic, containing one or more oil droplets, colorless or slightly colored; asci 8-spored, cylindric-clavate; paraphyses simple or branched near their bases; conidia elliptic, elongate-elliptic, or rarely spherical, developed in simple or branched chains, colorless or light colored; microconidia small, spherical, colorless on short-clavate conidiophores, (Seaver)

Habitat / Range

arising from mummified overwintered fruit on Prunus, conidia on fruit, peduncles, twigs, leaves, or blossoms, (Elliott, M.E.), fruitbodies in considerable numbers from a mummified fruit, on overwintering orchard fruits, the cause of brown-rot of fruits throughout eastern North America, (Seaver)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Bankera carnosa "(Banker) Snell, E.A. Dick, & Taussig"
Ciboria fructicola G. Winter
Phellodon carnosus Banker
Sclerotinia americana Norton & Ezek.
Sclerotinia fructicola (G. Winter) Rehm

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Species References

Elliott, M.E.(1), Seaver(2), Schalkwijk-Barendsen(1)*, Rayner(2)

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