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General: Perennial herb from spindle-shaped stem-bases, with a few fibrous roots; stems 5-20 cm tall, with 1 or 2 bracts to 2 cm long.
Leaves: Usually 2 or 3 nearly basal leaves nearly circular or egg-shaped to lanceolate, 2.5-6 cm long, about 1/2 as wide, sheathing.
Flowers: Inflorescence a terminal, 5- to 18-flowered, crowded spike, the flowers small, greenish, unstalked, the lower flowers shorter than floral bracts; sepals 2 mm long, oblong, 1-veined, the upper sepal slightly hooded; petals strongly 3-veined, slightly shorter and wider than sepals; lip 1.5-2 mm long, nearly as wide, concavely curved, the margins slightly lobed, erect; spur barely 1 mm long, slightly curved, bulbous; column plump, about 1 mm long.
Fruits: Capsules, ascending to erect.
Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia