E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Pluteus plautus group
No common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Distribution of Pluteus plautus group
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Species Information

Section Hispidoderma. "Features that unify and distinguish the group are the finely fuzzy to distinctly granular-hairy cap surface (not usually strongly netted and wrinkled), the lack of distinct yellow tones to the cap and stipe, the hygrophanous nature of the cap (usually obviously fading to beige), the striate margin, and the tendency for the base of the stipe to be covered in dark fibrils", (Siegel(2)).The description is derived from Siegel(2) except where noted. Other features include the dark reddish brown to ocher-brown cap color, the olive brownish bruising reaction in the flesh, the free, broad, close gills that are light cream when young, becoming pinkish brown from spores, the whitish gray to tan stem with a silvery striate surface, and microscopic characters. The description is derived from Siegel(2) except where noted.

The group is described from the Redwood Coast of CA. There are collections from BC at the University of British Columbia, predominantly identified by O. Ceska. N. Siegel confirmed the presence of this group in the Pacific Northwest (pers. comm. via D. Miller). D. Miller (pers. comm.) says there is DNA evidence suggesting 2 phylogenetic species in this group in the Pacific Northwest, one in BC and one in OR/CA. Morphological features need to be correlated.
free, broad, close; light cream, "becoming pinkish beige and then dingy salmon tan"
3-6cm x 0.2-0.5cm, cylindric, widened slightly near base; whitish gray to tan, "with twisting, silvery striations"; "mostly smooth but usually covered with fine brown hairs near base"
indistinct or radish-like
Microscopic spores:
spores 6-7 x 5-6 microns, broadly elliptic to nearly round; pleurocystidia smooth, pear-shaped or club-shaped; cap cuticle made of upright, long, cylindric brown cells
Spore deposit:
dingy salmon

Habitat / Range

single or in small groups "on well-decayed hardwoods, with some variants also on conifers"; throughout the wet season, (Siegel), British Columbia collections at the University of British Columbia from August to October, December, February

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Species References

Siegel(2)*, Brown, R.W.(1)

References for the fungi

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