E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Pouzarella versatilis
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Features include 1) a dark gray-brown cap that has a greenish to olivaceous cast when young, the surface tomentose on the disc and appressed-fibrillose at the margin, 2) dark gray-brown to fuscous gills, 3) a pale silvery gray stem that becomes gray-brown when bruised, 4) angular spores, and 5) abundant cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia.

Pouzarella versatilis has been found at least in WA (Largent(1)). There are collections from BC identified by O. Ceska at the University of British Columbia.
0.7-4cm across, conic to bell-shaped, becoming convex or parabolic, often broadly umbonate with truncate top, margin incurved to decurved [downcurved] becoming flat and eroded, smooth, even to at times wavy; fibrils and squamules [fine scales] dark olive brown to dark gray-brown, "at first with a metallic green tint" due to olivaceous background; "dry, dull, not hygrophanous", "densely tomentose on the disc, becoming densely appressed fibrillose at the margin", margin often translucent-striate at the extreme edge, (Largent), 1.5-3.5cm across, conic-campanulate; "with (metallic) greenish tone, silky-fibrous, olivaceous-grey-brownish, glistening olive-ochre"; fibrous to finely scaly, unstriate, (Moser)
up to 0.3cm thick at disc; olivaceous to light olivaceous brown, in stem colored the same as in cap, (Largent)
"adnexed to sinuate or emarginate, close to subdistant, narrow", 0.2-0.6cm broad, 0.9-2cm long; dark gray-brown to almost fuscous with margin paler, becoming pinkish gray-brown; irregularly serrulate [finely toothed], (Largent), deeply concave adnate; grey-brown, (Moser)
3-7cm x (0.15)0.2-0.5cm at top, equal, stuffed becoming hollow; pale gray becoming dark gray-brown when bruised or when old, "often with a greenish cast at first"; shiny, silvery, dry, appressed-fibrillose, (Largent), 3.5-8cm x 0.3-0.5cm; gray-brownish; silvery-silky, (Moser)
no ring
"unpleasant, grassy to spermatic, at times slight", (Largent)
unpleasant (Largent)
Microscopic spores:
spores 8.2-11.5 x 5.5-8.3 microns, 5-6 sided, distinctly angular, smooth, "often with a suprahilar depression"; basidia 4-spored, 36-52 x 10-15 microns, easily separated, with granules; pseudocystidia abundant in hymenium, pleurocystidia "similar in size, shape, and abundance to cheilocystidia", cheilocystidia abundant, in tufts, 45-90 x 9-20 x 3-6 (at top) microns, broadly clavate and acuminate, becoming rostrate-ventricose [beaked and wider in middle] and capitate [with a head at top]; gill trama hyphae subparallel, <= 15 microns wide; cap cuticle "a layer of entangled hyphae on disc, a cutis elsewhere", pileocystidia 70-190 x 9-20 microns, "cylindric, cylindro-clavate, or clavate"; stipitipellis "at apex composed of abundant caulocystidia" which are similar to hymenial cystidia and 52-95 x 12-20 microns; clamps absent in all tissues; pigmentation distinctly and coarsely incrusted on hyphae of cap cuticle and cap trama, in form of spirals, intracellular pigment not recorded, (Largent), spores 10-12 x 6-8 microns, (Moser)
Spore deposit:
pink (Buczacki)

Habitat / Range

found in lawns near red cedar, (Largent), under hardwoods (Fagus, Quercus, Carpinus), (Moser)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Entoloma versatile (V. Brig.) M.M. Moser

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

Genetic information (NCBI Taxonomy Database)
Taxonomic Information from the World Flora Online
Index Fungorium
Taxonomic reference: Bibliotheca Mycologica 46: 76. 1976; Entoloma versatile (V. Brig.) M.M. Moser

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Species References

Largent(1)*, Ramsey(4), Moser(1), Buczacki(1)* (as Entoloma versatile)

References for the fungi

General References