E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Pseudobaeospora pillodii
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Features include 1) small size, 2) a brownish violet to lavender, umbonate, dry cap, 3) cap-colored flesh, 4) free to adnexed, violet to lavender gills, 5) a slender, rooting stem colored as the cap and white-pruinose to white-furfuraceous on its upper part, 6) a mild odor and taste, 7) a white spore deposit, and 8) small, elliptic to nearly round spores that are smooth and sometimes dextrinoid. Note basidia are 4-spored in Redhead''s description for BC, and 2-spored in the Hansen, L.(2) description for Europe.

Pseudobaeospora pillodii has been found in BC, France, Switzerland, and the USSR, (Redhead(30)).
0.3-0.6cm across, convex to subconic with small umbo; livid vinaceous to lavender; "dry, silky, opaque", (Redhead(30)), 0.5-1.4cm across, hemispheric then convex with umbo; when young deep brownish-lilac, when old beige-lilac; striate when moist, (Moser), 0.3-1.3cm across, umbonate, collybioid to mycenoid; violet to brownish violet, paler at margin; innately radially fibrillose, smooth, matte, (Hansen)
fleshy; colored as cap, (Redhead(30)), violet (Hansen)
ascending adnexed, moderately spaced, moderate breadth, ventricose, subgills in 1 tier; grayish lavender, (Redhead(30)), free [according to generic character]; dark lilac-brown, brown when old, (Moser), free to adnexed, rather broad and crowded; violet, (Hansen)
2-3cm x 0.02-0.05cm, equal with a tapered rooting base, cartilaginous; dark purple to purple slate, sparsely covered with paler flecks, (Redhead(30)), 3-7cm x 0.05-0.1cm, colored as cap, then brown, (Moser), 1-3cm x 0.1-0.15cm, tapering downwards into a pseudorhiza; violet; white-pruinose to white-furfuraceous in upper part, (Hansen)
not distinctive (Redhead(30)), indistinct (Hansen)
indistinct (Hansen)
Microscopic spores:
spores 3.5-4 microns x 2.9-3.1 microns, broadly elliptic to subglobose [nearly round], smooth with slightly thickened walls, appearing colorless from mounts of gills, with purplish walls when deposited on the cap or stem, a few dextrinoid before or after clearing by alkaline solutions, usually with one droplet; basidia 4-spored, 15.5-18 x 5.8-6.0 microns, clavate, simple-septate; pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia not mentioned; cap cuticle hyphae 4.5-5 microns wide, repent, subhyaline [nearly colorless], thin-walled, smooth, simple-septate, "with undifferentiated to scarcely differentiated apices, in some subcapitate or sublecythiform"; caulocystidia 25-35 x 9.5-10 microns, fusoid to clavate, sometimes constricted centrally, thin-walled, collapsing readily, subhyaline [nearly colorless], (Redhead(30)), spores 3.2-4 x 2.8-3.2 microns, [smooth, with no germ pore; clamp connections absent, these according to the generic characters given], (Moser), spores 3-4 x 2.5-3.5 microns, elliptic to nearly round, dextrinoid; basidia 2-spored; cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia not mentioned in microscopic description; tramal hyphae dextrinoid; cap cuticle of radially repent hyphae, 5-25 microns wide, with pale brown membrane pigment; clamp connections absent, (Hansen)
Spore deposit:
white (Moser, Hansen)

Habitat / Range

rooting in loamy soil under a mature forest of Tsuga heterophylla (Western Hemlock), Thuja plicata (Western Red-cedar), Oplopanax horridum (devil''s club), and Athyrium felix-femina (lady-fern), (Redhead(30)), subalpine under Larix (larch), Rhododendron, Alnus viridis (Green Alder), etc. (Moser for Europe), on soil in Alnus (alder), Betula (birch), and Salix (willow) shrubs (Hansen for Europe)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Collybia pillodii Quel.

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

Genetic information (NCBI Taxonomy Database)
Taxonomic Information from the World Flora Online
Index Fungorium
Taxonomic reference: Flora Fungorum RSS Ucrainicae, Basid. Agar., Acad. Sci. RSS UCR., Kiev. p.220. 1980; Collybia pillodii Quel.

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Species References

Redhead(30), Moser(1), Hansen, L.(2), Redhead(5)

References for the fungi

General References