E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Psilocybe sabulosa
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Distribution of Psilocybe sabulosa
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Species Information

Features include a non-viscid, hygrophanous, orange brown to ochraceous or fulvous-yellow cap, dingy yellow gills that are soon purplish brown or fuscous-black with white edges, growth in sand dunes or sandy soil in pastures, and microscopic characters.

P. sabulosa has been found in pocket desert near Osooyos BC (Paul Kroeger, pers. comm., a collection deposited at University of British Columbia), as well as KS and Argentina.
(1)1.5-3(4.4)cm across, convex to umbonate, becoming somewhat flat or depressed around the broad umbo; hygrophanous, "orange brown to ochraceous or fulvous-yellow, fading to brownish yellow or straw color"; non-viscid, bald and even or minutely scrobiculate [with small pits], "margin sometimes with small whitish appendages"
whitish, in part tending to become yellowish when old
broadly adnate, at times with subdecurrent tooth; sordid yellowish soon purplish brown, fuscous-black or fuliginous [sooty], with whitish edges; edges subfloccose
2.5-5.1cm x 0.15-0.5cm, equal or widening at base slightly, stuffed to hollow; ochraceous or deep yellow with paler or pallid top; with fine appressed scales to bald, not slimy, base rooting
well-formed, composed of white arachnoid [cobwebby] fibrils, mainly when young, sometimes as somewhat floccose fleeting scales on stem, and on cap margin, but no ring is formed
Microscopic spores:
spores (11)12-16.5(18.7) x (7.2)8.2-9.3(10.4) microns, elliptic or subelliptic, yellowish brown, thick-walled, with broad truncate germ pore, [presumably smooth]; basidia 4-spored, few 2- or 3-spored, 15-25 x 8-10 microns, colorless, ventricose; pleurocystidia absent, cheilocystidia abundant, 19-42 x 3-10 microns, colorless, "thin-walled, narrowly ampullaceous, but also filamentous, rarely sublageniform and clavate", neck somewhat capitate, 3-4.5 microns broad; clamp connections present
Spore deposit:
[presumably purple-brown to sooty brown]

Habitat / Range

gregarious or single, sometimes in small groups or scattered, "in sand dunes or sandy soil in pastures (or in alpine areas)"

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Psilocybe dunicola (Speg.) Singer
Psilocybe squarrosipes Singer

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

Genetic information (NCBI Taxonomy Database)
Taxonomic Information from the World Flora Online
Index Fungorium
Taxonomic reference: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 24: 144. 1897; Psilocybe dunicola (Speg.) Singer; Psilocybe squarrosipes Singer

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Species References

Guzman(1), Redhead(5)

References for the fungi

General References