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General: Medium to tall shrub, 1.5-6 m tall; stems much-branched, with leafy thorns, the young growth grey-hairy.
Leaves: Alternate, evergreen, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, 2-5 cm long, finely blunt-toothed, smooth or sometimes sparsely hairy beneath when young.
Flowers: Inflorescence a small cluster, at the end of a lateral branchlet, of several to many, hairy-stalked flowers; corollas white, saucer-shaped, 7-8 mm across, the petals 5; calyces 5-lobed; ovaries inferior.
Fruits: Berry-like pomes (like miniature apples), nearly globe-shaped, bright orange-red, 5-6 mm wide; stones (nutlets) 5.
Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia