General: Perennial from a strong taproot; stems erect to ascending, several, branched, usually glabrous and glaucous, 20-80 cm tall, the lower branches sometimes decumbent and rhizome-like.
Leaves: Basal leaves lacking; stem leaves opposite, narrowly egg-shaped to oblanceolate, 3-8 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, glabrous, lower ones short-stalked, upper ones unstalked; stipules lacking.
Flowers: Inflorescence of several to many flowers in a usually open and loose cluster; petals 5, white, clawed, the claws expanded above, about 2 cm long, the blades 4-6 mm long, deeply 2-cleft, otherwise entire; sepals 5, pale green to purplish, united, forming a tube 15-20 mm long and becoming inflated, prominently net-veined, glabrous except for the fringed lobes, 15- or 20-nerved.
Fruits: Capsules egg-shaped to ellipsoid, 1.8-2 cm long, 6-valved; seeds 1-1.5 mm long, white becoming brown, warty-pimply.
The table below shows the species-specific information calculated from original data (BEC database) provided by the BC Ministry of Forests and Range. (Updated August, 2013)