E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Sistotrema adnatum Hallenb.
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Sistotrema adnatum is a member of the Sistotrema brinkmannii group, described as follows, "Fruitbodies effuse, smooth or grandinioid; hyphae with clamps, walls hyaline; gloeocystidia absent; basidia urniform, normally with 6-8 sterigmata; spores less than 9 microns long, ellipsoid, subcylindrical, suballantoid, or subglobose, uninucleate (except for S. binucleosporum)", (Hallenberg, Latin name underlined). It is "distinguished by the adnate fruitbody with a continuous hymenium, the wide subicular hyphae with large ampullate clamps and the compact subhymenium", (Hallenberg).

The holotype is from BC (Hallenberg).
Fruiting body:
effused, thin, adnate [firmly attached]; yellowish white to cream; smooth, continuous; margin narrow, thinning out, (Hallenberg)
SPORES 6-8 x 2.8-3.3 microns, elliptic, adaxial side straight, smooth, thin-walled; BASIDIA 6-spored, 19-27 x 4.5-5.5 microns, urniform, with basal clamp connection; HYPHAE monomitic, with clamp connections that frequently are ampullate (up to 15 microns wide); SUBHYMENIAL HYPHAE 3.5-6 microns wide, richly branched, thin-walled, contents somewhat oily; SUBICULAR HYPHAE 4-7.5 microns wide, interwoven (but more or less parallel to the substrate), straight, colorless, slightly thick-walled, sparsely septate, (Hallenberg)

Habitat / Range

type on fallen coniferous log, (Hallenberg)

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Species References

Hallenberg(1), Ginns(5)

References for the fungi

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