E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Sistotrema oblongisporum M.P. Christ. & Hauerslev
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Sistotrema oblongisporum is a member of the Sistotrema brinkmannii group, described as follows, "Fruitbodies effuse, smooth or grandinioid; hyphae with clamps, walls hyaline; gloeocystidia absent; basidia urniform, normally with 6-8 sterigmata; spores less than 9 microns long, ellipsoid, subcylindrical, suballantoid, or subglobose, uninucleate (except for S. binucleosporum)", (Hallenberg, Latin name underlined). As a rule it is recognized from its thin, dense, grayish, smooth fruitbodies, in a characteristic way lining dead branches of hardwoods, especially branches 1-2cm thick, (Eriksson).

It is a common species in Scandinavia (Eriksson). There is cultured material from BC, Sweden, and Australia, (Hallenberg).
Fruiting body:
resupinate, effused [spread out], closely adnate [firmly attached], very thin, ceraceous [waxy]; grayish-whitish gray; smooth, when young pruinose, "when dried more developed ones reticulately cracked under the lens"; margin not differentiated, (Eriksson), effused, tightly adnate, thin; spore-bearing surface grayish white; smooth, porulose - continuous, (Hallenberg), spore deposit white (Buczacki)
SPORES (4.5)5-6 x 1.5-2 microns, "suballantoid with a more or less concave adaxial side", smooth, thin-walled; BASIDIA 15-18(22) x 4-6 microns, at first rounded-ovoid, "when mature urniform with a rounded basal part" and a cylindric neck, 3-4 microns wide, with a basal clamp connection, normally 6-8-spored; CYSTIDIA none; HYPHAE monomitic, 2.5-3.5 microns wide, with clamp connections; SUBHYMENIAL HYPHAE "richly branched into a dense tissue"; BASAL HYPHAE "straight, glued to the substrate, with sparse septa", (Eriksson), SPORES 4-5 x 1.5-1.8(2) microns, type "has slightly longer spores (5-6 microns) which are straight or only slightly bent", (Hallenberg)

Habitat / Range

on smooth bark of only slightly decayed, fallen or hanging branches of hardwoods; some collections on conifer branches (Picea, Pinus) also seem to belong here, (Eriksson), fallen branch of Alnus (alder); stump of Pinus radiata (Monterey Pine); fallen or hanging branches of hardwood trees, (Hallenberg), on rotting wood and litter of hardwood trees and old herbaceous and fern debris; probably all year, (Buczacki)

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Species References

Eriksson(7), Hallenberg(1), Ginns(5), Buczacki(1)*

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