E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Stropharia inuncta
smoky roundhead

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Features include 1) a wrinkled, slimy cap that is gray-brown to gray-yellow, usually with distinct lilac or purple tones, 2) gills that are whitish then brown to purple gray with white edges, 3) a dry white stem that is silky-fibrillose below the viscid, white ring and pruinose-floccose above the ring, 4) a fuscous purple spore deposit, and 5) clavate cheilocystidia that may be doubly capitate.

There are collections from WA at the University of Washington and a collection from BC at the University of British Columbia. It is also found in Europe.
(1.5)2.5-5cm across, flat-convex, subumbonate [somewhat umbonate] to distinctly umbonate; "pale light yellow at first becoming livid-purple", darker and with tinge of lilac-brown at center, then pale gray sometimes with faint yellowish green tinge; rugulose [finely wrinkled] under dense slime, margin slightly striate or not striate, (Watling), 1.5-4cm across, hemispheric - bell-shaped when young, later bell-shaped to convex and obtusely umbonate; purple-brown to violet-brown when young and moist, gray-beige to gray-yellow when old; lubricous-viscid when young and moist, drying smooth and dull, margin with sparse, fugacious [fleeting] veil flocci when young, (Breitenbach), bell-shaped to umbilicate (Moser)
relatively thick below disc but thin towards margin, soft; white, (Watling), thick in cap center, thin toward margin; white, brownish under cap surface, (Breitenbach)
adnate with decurrent tooth, not crowded; "whitish then pale chocolate becoming fuscous when bruised and finally with yellowish tinge", (Watling), "whitish then pale lilaceous chocolate brown", (Courtecuisse), purple-gray, edges white-floccose, (Moser), notched and broadly adnate, 26-36 reaching stem, broad, 3-7 subgills between neighboring pairs of gills; "beige when young, later light brown to gray-brown with a faint purple tint", edges white-floccose, (Breitenbach)
(4)5-7.5cm x 0.3-0.4cm, equal, stuffed or slightly hollow, "flexuous, often decumbent with a soft feel"; white; dry, almost bald, silky fibrillose below rudimentary ring, pruinose above, (Watling), 2.5-5cm x 0.2-0.4(0.5)cm, cylindric, solid, elastic; white; above the ring finely floccose, below the ring longitudinally fibrillose-floccose; ring "white, fibrillose-membranous, +/- persistent", (Breitenbach)
partial veil forms white, thin, viscid, fleeting ring, (Watling), cap margin with sparse, fleeting veil flocci when young, ring on stem "white, fibrillose-membranous, +/- persistent, upper and lower surfaces white floccose-fibrillose", (Breitenbach)
faint, none or slightly disagreeable, (Watling), faint, not distinctive, (Breitenbach)
faint, none or slightly disagreeable, (Watling), mild, +/- fungoid, (Breitenbach)
Microscopic spores:
spores 7.5-8.5 x 4-5(6) microns, elliptic, dull fuscous purple, germ pore indistinct or lacking; basidia 25-27 x 7.5-8 microns, subclavate; pleurocystidia immersed in gill tissue, 30-40 x 8-10 microns, "clavate with a short pointed tip", "strongly blueing in cotton blue solution", cheilocystidia 35-40 x 9-10 microns, irregular, flexuose, +/- swollen to capitate; cap cuticle "of very narrow, filamentous hyphae immersed in a gelatinized matrix seated on cylindric hyphae"; clamp connections present, (Watling), spores 7-9.1 x 4.2-5 microns, elliptic, "smooth, yellow-brown, thick-walled, without a distinct germ pore"; basidia 4-spored, 20-28 x 6-7 microns, cylindric-clavate, without basal clamp connection; pleurocystidia 30-50 x 7-10 microns, modified as chrysocystidia, "clavate-fusiform, some with an apical protrusion", cheilocystidia abundant, 27-35 x 7-13 microns, "polymorphic, capitate, gnarled and some doubly capitate"; cap cuticle an ixocutis of fragments of gelatinized hyphae, 2-5 microns wide, yellowish- pigmented, some septa with clamp connections, all embedded in gelatinous material, (Breitenbach)
Spore deposit:
fuscous purple (Watling), purple-brown (Breitenbach)

Habitat / Range

usually gregarious, more rarely single, "in meadows, cow pastures, waste places", on roadsides or pathsides, in grasses and mosses, summer to fall, (Breitenbach for Europe), grassy or mossy waysides, edges of woods, (Moser for Europe), "amongst grass and moss in heaths and pastures, under hedges, especially at roadsides", (Watling for Britain)

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

Genetic information (NCBI Taxonomy Database)
Taxonomic Information from the World Flora Online
Index Fungorium
Taxonomic reference: in Memoires de la Societe d''Emulation de Montbeliard ser. II. 5: 110 [141]. 1872

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Species References

Watling(3), Breitenbach(4)*, Courtecuisse(1)*, Moser(1), Buczacki(1)*

References for the fungi

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