E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Syzygospora subsolida Ginns
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi
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Species Information

Syzygospora subsolida forms a thin layer on the surface of hypertrophied cap of Marasmius pallidocephalus, sometimes completely obscuring the cap.

It was known by 1986 only from the type collection made in BC in Glacier National Park.
Fruiting body:
fruitbody a thin layer about 50 microns thick, "when fresh gelatinous and subhyaline, when dry glossy and crustose", covering the surface of hyphertrophied caps (0.1-0.2cm diam) of host fungus, which in the type is Marasmius pallidocephalus
spores 6-7.6(8.8) x 3.2-4 microns, obliquely lacrymoid with broad, blunt base, smooth, wall colorless, typically with refractive oil droplet at point of attachment, "obliquely attached to sterigmata, some producing blastoconidia"; basidia "initially broadly clavate, essentially pedicellate", about 15 x 8 microns, when mature suburniform to cylindric-clavate, (27)32(40) x 7-9 microns "with simple septum at base and incompletely cruciately septate at apex", the apical septum extending downward 3 microns into the basidium, sterigmata (2-3)4, each 6-10 microns long, "typically with refractive, oily deposit at tip"; conidia blastic, arising from basidiospores, 1.5-3.5 x 1.5-2 microns, ovoid, broadly elliptic to nearly round, smooth, thin-walled, wall colorless; conidiophores not seen; subiculum about 10 microns thick, of repent, scattered, colorless, thin-walled, simple-septate hyphae 2-2.4(3) microns wide; haustorial branches typically 3-4 microns in diam, "subglobose, almost pedicellate knobs projecting from the hyphae with a narrow hypha that attaches to the host cell"

Habitat / Range

on surface of hypertrophied caps of Marasmius pallidocephalus, sometimes completely obscuring the cap

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Aleurodiscus minnsiae H.S. Jacks.
Laeticorticium minnsiae (H.S. Jacks.) Donk

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