E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Thelephora mollissima Pers.: Fr.
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Species Information

Thelephora mollissima either 1) lies flat on the substrate, with the smooth fuscous-purple spore-bearing surface showing, the edge bent outward to form shingled shelf-like caps, or 2) has a nearly central stem. The cap color is whitish becoming brownish with the cap surface subtomentose. The description is derived from Corner based on the Friesian interpretation of 1874.

It has been identified by Jim Ginns from western Vancouver Island in BC (pers. comm.), using the concepts of Stalpers. It is also found in Europe.
Fruiting body:
" 2-4cm wide, more or less effuso-reflexed and pileate-imbricate," [flat on substrate with spore-bearing surface showing, but bent outward to form shingled caps], "or submesopodal," [with a somewhat central stem], "upperside subtomentose, whitish becoming brownish; hymenium smooth, fuscous purple, inferior"
"soft, thin, coriaceous" [leathery]
"Spores and microscopic structure as in T. intybacea Fr."

Habitat / Range

"in woods", (Corner), BC collection fruiting up from base of old 4 x 4 conifer post, (J. Ginns, pers. comm.)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Morchella vaporaria Bartayres ex Brond

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