E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Tuber besseyi Gilkey
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

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Distribution of Tuber besseyi
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Species Information

Features include 1) a scarcely lobed deep olive-buff fruitbody 0.8-4cm across, the surface minutely scabrous or rarely minutely and irregularly verrucose, 2) a spore mass darker than the surface, marbled by a few large venae externae and slender, dark venae internae, and 3) microscopic characters including spores measuring 36-70 x 20-40 microns, very narrow with pointed ends to somewhat broadly elliptic, generally coarsely and irregularly alveolate, with 4-9 x 3-6 alveoli across the diameter, asci that are 1-4 spored, and venae externae sometimes bordered by an interrupted palisade of paraphyses.

The distribution includes BC, OR, PQ, SK, MI, NE, and NY, (Gilkey).
Outer Surface:
0.8-4cm across, scarcely lobed; "deep olive-buff"; "minutely scabrous or rarely minutely and irregularly verrucose"
darker than surface, "marbled by a few large venae externae and slender, dark venae internae"
spores 36-70 x 20-40 microns, very narrow with pointed ends to somewhat broadly elliptic, generally coarsely and irregularly alveolate [reticulate-pitted], with 4-9 x 3-6 alveoli across the diameter; asci 1-4 spored; "venae externae sometimes bordered by an interrupted palisade of paraphyses"; "peridium 300-800 microns thick at the exits of venae externae, pseudoparenchymatous near the surface, changing to inner prosenchyma"

Habitat / Range

mixed woods

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Hydnum fuligineoalbum J.C. Schmidt
Sarcodon fuligineoalbus "J.C. Schmidt ex Fr., Quel."

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Species References

Gilkey(3) (color in double quotation marks from Ridgway)

References for the fungi

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