Anthracobia melaloma (Alb. & Schwein. ex Fr.) Boud.
burn site ochre cup

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi


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E-Flora BC Static Map

Distribution of Anthracobia melaloma
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Species Information

Features include cup-shaped to disc-shaped, orange, stemless fruitbody, paler exterior that has bunches of brown downy hairs, growth on burned wood and burned ground, and microscopic characters.
spores 14-22 x 7-11 microns, oblong-elliptic, smooth, with two oil drops; asci up to 200 x 15 microns; paraphyses slender, clavate at tips and up to 6 microns wide; hairs "up to 110 x 10 microns, cylindrical, obtuse, septate, with thin, smooth, light brown walls", (Dennis), spores 16-17.5 x 8-9 microns, narrowly elliptic, smooth, with 2 droplets; asci 8-spored, 160-190 x 11-12 microns, inamyloid; paraphyses slender, cylindric, septate, thickened at tips to 6 microns wide; hairs up to 80 x 13 microns, smooth, multiseptate, thin-walled, slightly brownish, (Breitenbach)
Anthracobia melaloma is found in BC, WA, OR, ID, CA, and CO, (Larsen).

Habitat and Range

Anthracobia macrocystis is a more bright reddish shade of orange, paraphyses stain green in Melzer''s reagent, and hairs are more rudimentary and short with only one septum. Pyronema omphalodes does not have tufts of hair on exterior, is more or less confluent rather than just crowded, is more pink in color, and has a conspicuous white cobwebby subiculum.
on burnt wood and sites of bonfires, July to January (Dennis for UK), gregarious on burned ground and charred wood (Breitenbach for Switzerland), clustered or crowded, often in broad masses, (Lincoff)


Synonyms and Alternate Names:
Polyporus benzoinus Wahlenb.: Fr.
Polyporus resinosus Fr.