Species description: Gametophytes: grayish to pale green small thalli, 0.5-1.5 cm long, usually less than 1 cm, 2-5 mm. Wide, forked, with simple pores in the dorsal surface, opening into elongate chambers with chlorophyllose walls, these occupying 2/3 the thickness of the thallus, margins somewhat involucrate with white scales curving over the margins. Dioicous. The receptacle 2-3 (4)-lobed, pale green on a short stalk 0.2-1 cm. long, colourless, with a cluster of white lanceolate scales just below the receptacle, sporangia light brown, ovoid, opening irregularly.
Similar Species: The thallus is similar to the rare Santeria alpina but the receptacles of this species are unique, in the province, to this region. The sporangia of Santeria open by 4 regular slots, and the receptable is hemispherical with sporangia facing downward rather than outward, as in Athalamia
Habitat and Range
on soil, often calcareous, on outcrop ledges near sea level, especially in regions of summer-dry climate, also at alpine and subalpine elevations, where often in soil on cliff ledges.
World Distribution
Circumpolar in the arctic portion of the Northern Hemisphere, extending southward in alpine regions of mountains.
BC Distribution
Probably under collected, partly related to the brief period the plants are evident, widespread in summer-dry climates of southwestern parts of the province and scattered in mountains throughout, especially where calcareous substrates are available.