Dodecatheon conjugens subsp. conjugens Greene

Introduction to Vascular Plants


© Bryan Kelly-McArthur     (Photo ID #83588)


E-Flora BC Static Map

Distribution of Dodecatheon conjugens subsp. conjugens
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Species Information

Plants fibrous-rooted; roots whitish; bulblets absent.
Leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate to narrowly ovate, base gradually to abruptly tapering to the short, broadly winged petiole, entire, surfaces usually glandular-puberulent (at least along the margins) or rarely glabrescent, 3-13 (20) cm.
Inflorescences of 1-7 (10) flowers; involucral bracts lanceolate, glandular-puberulent, 3-10 mm. Flowers long-stalked; corolla tube and throat yellow, with a fine, wavy, reddish ring around the throat; corolla lobes pink (rarely white), 7-25 (35) mm; pollen sacs usually purplish-brown, sometimes yellowish or purple-spotted; calyces green, sometimes purple-speckled, usually glabrous (sometimes glandular), 5-12 mm; filaments usually distinct to their base (sometimes slightly connate), yellow or purplish-spotted to wholly dark purplish-brown; connective purplish-brown, usually with some yellow (at least apically), transversely rugose; stigma not enlarged relative to the style; pedicels glandular-puberulent, 1-5 cm. . Flowering Apr-Jun.
Capsules tan, cylindric, circumcissile, 8-12 mm.
Scapes usually glandular-puberulent on the lower portion (rarely entirely glandular), 5-30 cm tall.

SourceThe Vascular Flora of British Columbia, draft 2014.
Author: Jamie Fenneman


If more than one illustration is available for a species (e.g., separate illustrations were provided for two subspecies) then links to the separate images will be provided below. Note that individual subspecies or varietal illustrations are not always available.

Habitat and Range

Moist seeps, grassy slopes, and meadows, usually in sagebrush communities or dry coniferous forests, in the steppe and montane (rarely subalpine) zones. Common in se BC (Rocky Mts., s Rocky Mtn. Trench); east to SK, south to CA, NV, WY.

SourceThe Vascular Flora of British Columbia, draft 2014.
Author: Jamie Fenneman