Hyphoderma deviatum (S. Lundell) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi


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E-Flora BC Static Map

Distribution of Hyphoderma deviatum
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Species Information

Features include 1) resupinate growth on wood, 2) somewhat waxy fruitbodies that are at first white, then light cream (when old turning grayish yellow or pale ochraceous), the surface smooth but under 50x lens hairy from cystidia, and the margin thinning out but not especially differentiated, 3) spores that are elliptic, smooth, inamyloid, with an oblique apiculus and oil droplets, 4) basidia that are subclavate, generally constricted slightly, with oil droplets, 5) cystidia that are numerous, subcylindric, with an enlarged basal part and widened apically where the protoplasm denser, the cystidial walls at first thin-walled, then thick-walled, with crystalline encrustation below the clavate part, (in some fruitbodies there are also enclosed cystidia which may have clampless septa), and 6) a monomitic hyphal system with clamp connections. This is a rare species.
SPORES 5.5-6.5(7) x 3-3.5 microns, elliptic, smooth, inamyloid, not or very little cyanophilic, thin-walled, with oblique apiculus, oil droplets or irregular oil bodies in protoplasm; BASIDIA 4-spored, about 25 x 5 microns, subclavate, generally constricted slightly, numerous oil droplets in protoplasm, with basal clamp connection; CYSTIDIA numerous, 80-160 x 10-13 microns, in the narrowest part 4-5 microns wide, subcylindric, "normally with enlarged basal part and as a rule clavately widened apically, where protoplasm is considerably denser", at first thin-walled, then more or less thick-walled, "crystalline encrustation as a rule below the clavate part", in some fruitbodies there are also short (30 to 60 microns), enclosed cystidia in subhymenium, "secondary septa without clamps rare in the projecting cystidia, more common in the enclosed ones"; HYPHAE monomitic, hyphae of subiculum 3-4 microns wide, loosely and irregularly intertwined, "distinct, with somewhat thickened walls", often branched from clamp cells, hyphae of subhymenium narrower, "forming a dense texture with vertical hyphal direction", all hyphae with clamp connections, (Eriksson)
Hyphoderma deviatum has been found in BC (one collection), Czechoslovakia (one collection), and Sweden (three collections), (Eriksson(4)).

Habitat and Range

on "decayed, decorticated wood of deciduous trees or lying conifers, lying on the ground in rather wet localities", in BC on Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir), (Eriksson)


Synonyms and Alternate Names:
Corticium macounii Burt
Corticium vinososcabens Burt
Gloeocystidium triste var. deviatum S. Lundell