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General: Perennial herb from a somewhat woody stem-base; stems several, clustered, ascending to erect, 10-20 cm tall, unbranched, thinly long-soft-hairy with crinkly hairs.
Leaves: Alternate, all divided into 3 to 5 (7) linear, spreading lobes, or rarely the lowermost entire, the lateral lobes not much narrower than the mid-blade, finely long-soft-hairy.
Flowers: Inflorescence a prominently bracted terminal spike, compact and relatively few-flowered, the bracts bright scarlet or crimson, mostly deeply 5-lobed, much shorter than the flowers, minutely hairy and also long-soft-hairy; corollas greenish, 25-35 (45) mm long, 2-lipped, the upper lip beak-like, short-hairy, about equalling or slightly longer than the tube and much longer than the thickened, 3-toothed lower lip; calyces long-hairy, 15-25 mm long, deeply 2-lobed, these primary lobes again divided into 2 blunt or sharp, 1- to 5-mm long segments; stamens 4.
Fruits: Capsules; seeds many, the seed-coats loose, net-veined.
Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia