E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Cuscuta campestris Yunck.
field dodder (fiveangled dodder; five-angled dodder)
Convolvulaceae (Dodder family)
(Previously in Cuscutaceae)

Introduction to Vascular Plants
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Distribution of Cuscuta campestris
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Species Information

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Parasitic, leafless perennial herb; stems threadlike, twining and sticking to other plants by means of suckers.
Reduced to tiny scales.
Inflorescence of several to many stalked flowers in clusters or globular masses; flowers 1.5-3 mm long, with 5 petals/ sepals; sepals free to about halfway to the base, nearly equal; stamens slightly exserted; stigmas headlike.
Capsules depressed-globose, 2.5-3 mm wide, usually not beaked; seeds usually 2.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia

Habitat / Range

Parasitic, especially on legumes, in the lowland zone; rare in SW and SC BC; ranges over much of U.S. and S Canada.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia


The climate type for this species, as reported in the: "British Columbia plant species codes and selected attributes. Version 6 Database" (Meidinger et al. 2008), is not evaluated, unknown or variable.

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Cuscuta arvensis Bey. ex Engelm.
Cuscuta pentagona Engelm.
Cuscuta pentagona var. calycina Engelm.
Grammica campestris (Yunck.) Hadac & Chrtek
Grammica pentagona (Engelm.) W.A. Weber

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