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General: Robust usually biennial herb from fibrous roots; stems erect, 0.5-1.5 m tall, unbranched, densely grey-hairy and becoming glandular upward.
Leaves: Alternate, egg-shaped to lanceolate, 10-40 cm long, coarsely toothed, green and soft-hairy above, grey-woolly beneath, narrowed to the winged stalk, biggest and most numerous at the base in a rosette, reduced upward.
Flowers: Inflorescence a long, narrow, leafy-bracted, 1-sided, terminal raceme of numerous stalked, nodding flowers, the stalks 5-20 mm long; corollas gaping-tubular, 4-6 cm long, weakly 2-lipped, shortly 5-lobed, the lower 3 lobes fused into the longer, more prominent of the 2 lips, pink-purple with deeper purple spots on inside of lower lip, the lips fringed with hairs, sparsely long-hairy in the throat; calyces deeply 5-lobed, the lobes somewhat leaflike, lance-egg-shaped, 1-1.8 cm long; stigmas 2-lobed; stamens 4.
Fruits: Capsules, egg-shaped, about 12 mm long; seeds numerous, small, about 0.5 mm long.
Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia