© Ian Cumming (Photo ID #5092)
Perennial herb from a strong taproot and freely branched crown, forming loose flat mats up to 60 cm wide; stems prostrate to ascending, simple, several, 10-30 cm tall/long, usually white-woolly.
Basal leaves elliptic to spoon-shaped, grey- to white woolly-hairy on the lower surface, greenish on the upper, the blades 1-3 (4) cm long, narrowed gradually to the stalks; stem leaves lacking.
Inflorescence a large, simple or compound umbel, subtended by a whorl of leaflike bracts; involucres bell-shaped, hairy, 4-6 mm long, the 6-12 lobes 2-3 mm long, often reflexed; perianths creamy or pale to deep yellow, often tinged with rose or purple, smooth, 6-l0 lobed; flowers usually imperfect.
Achenes, smooth.
Two closely related varieties occur in BC:
1. Perianth white to cream or pale yellow................. var. subalpinum (Greene) M. E. Jones
1. Perianth bright yellow...................... var. umbellatum
Synonyms and Alternate Names:
Eriogonum umbellatum Torr.