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Species Information
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Cap: growing flat on wood or bent outward from flat pore surface to form shelf-like cap, when shelf-like with upper and lower surfaces at about 45 degrees; pale yellowish brown; tomentose near margin, becoming bald and cracked, (Gilbertson)
Flesh: up to 2cm thick, woody; yellowish brown to reddish brown, with darker zones, (Gilbertson)
Pores: 5-7 per mm, circular, thick-walled, grayish brown to purplish brown; tube layers distinctly stratified, layers up to 0.5cm thick, "often with sterile tissue between the layers, tubes white within", (Gilbertson)
Microscopic: spores 6-7.5 x 5-6.5 microns, round to nearly round, smooth, strongly dextrinoid, colorless, slightly thick-walled; basidia 4-spored, 12-14 x 8-9 microns, broadly ellipsoid, simple-septate at base; setae lacking; ventricose thin-walled cystidioid elements present; hyphae of context of two types, mostly the first: 1) 2-5 microns wide, "pale yellowish brown in Melzer''s reagent, thick-walled, aseptate or with rare septa", 2) 1-1.5 microns wide, nearly colorless, aseptate, thick-walled, much-branched; hyphae of trama similar, (Gilbertson)
Habitat / Range
perennial, on living and dead conifers, usually fruiting on the underside of branches and in branch crotches, most common on Tsuga (hemlock), associated with a uniform white rot of heartwood of living conifers, continuing in dead trees and logs, (Gilbertson)
Similar Species
Fomitiporia robusta grows on hardwoods but has been regarded in the past as the same species as Fomitiporia tsugina (as Phellinus hartigii), leading to uncertainty in distribution, (Gilbertson).