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Species Information
Summary: Features include 1) a hygrophanous yellow-ocher to cinnamon buff cap, 2) adnate, narrow, pinkish buff gills, 3) a pinkish buff stem that has a fibrillose coating on the lower part when young and pruinosity on the upper part, 4) a mild odor and taste, and 5) microscopic characters. Smith(2) give the distribution of Galerina semilanceata as "in the Pacific Northwest".
There are collections from BC at the University of British Columbia, and collections from WA at the University of Washington. Desjardin(6) describe it from California and say that the California material has been reported as Galerina heterocystis and Galerina clavata.
Cap: 0.85-2.5(3)cm across, conic with flaring margin when old; hygrophanous, 'when moist "yellow-ocher" to "cinnamon buff" fading to "antimony yellow" on disc and "warm buff" or paler near margin'; bald "or at first thinly fibrillose near margin from veil remnants"
Flesh: thin but not particularly fragile; colored as cap surface
Gills: adnate and soon seceding, ascending, subdistant to close (about 18 reaching stem), narrow (about 0.2cm broad); pinkish buff becoming "antimony yellow" when mature ''or with only a tinge of tawny (dominantly yellow)''; edges even
Stem: 5-9cm x (0.1)0.2-0.25cm, slightly enlarged toward base, hollow, "pinkish buff" ''but appearing whitish at least when young due to a dense fibrillose coating over lower two thirds'', top pruinose and pallid yellowish underneath powder, becoming more or less bald when old, at times the lower part ochraceous tawny or slightly darker
Veil: distinct fibrillose veil
Microscopic spores: spores 8-10 x 5-6 microns, ovate in face view, obscurely inequilateral in side view, pale yellow under microscope when fresh, warty to warty-rugulose [warty-wrinkled] under oil immersion; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia none, cheilocystidia abundant, 26-38 x 6-10 microns, ventricose-capitate, the neck 3-3.5 microns and capitellum 4-5 microns, rarely forking at apex; clamp connections absent
Habitat / Range
gregarious to scattered "on moss or in shaded, moist grassy areas with moss intermixed, also on mossy logs, etc.", often in campgrounds or clearings between buildings; spring and fall
Similar Species
Galerina dimorphocystis is less robust, with a nearly colorless stem and no veil, (Smith).