General: Perennial herb from a stolon or rhizome; stems sprawling or ascending, 20-50 cm long, glabrous.
Leaves: Alternate, pinnately compound; leaflets usually 5, opposite, elliptic to egg-shaped, 6-20 mm long; stipules large, triangular, membranous.
Flowers: Inflorescence a compact, long-stalked, axillary umbel of 3 to 9 pea-like flowers, the umbel-stalks with a generally 3-parted bract just below the umbel; corollas with yellow banner, pink-purple wings and purple-tipped keel; calyces 5-6 mm long, the teeth slightly shorter than the tube, the upper 2 joined for about 1/2 their length.
Fruits: Pods, linear-oblong, 2-3 cm long; seeds few.