This bulbous perennial species is a forest species that is native to western Europe, with greatest abundance in the British Isles (Wikipedia 2013). It is an introduced garden species in BC that spreads easily and has naturalized.
This species may be confused with Spanish bluebells, (Hyacinthoides hispanica). However, flowers of Spanish bluebells are larger, paler-coloured, and less scented than the English bluebell, which is very fragrant. Additionally, anthers in the Spanish bluebell are blue, while in the English bluebell they are white or cream-coloured. Flora North America (2013) provides the following key to separate the two species:
Raceme 1-sided; flowers all becoming pendent, fragrant; tepals strongly recurved at apex; stamens unequal, outer inserted just above middle of tepals, inner near base; anthers cream. ............ 1 Hyacinthoides non-scripta Raceme not 1-sided; at least distal flowers remaining erect, not fragrant; tepals spreading but not recurved; stamens equal, inserted below middle of tepals; anthers blue............1. Hyacinthoides hispanica |