Perennial herb from a large, branched, fleshy root and simple stem-base; stems erect, several, branched, 10-30 cm tall.
Basal leaves numerous, linear-oblanceolate to narrowly spoon-shaped, 2-10 cm long, 3-8 mm wide; stem leaves alternate, bractlike, entire to gland-toothed, 2-3 cm long, reduced above.
Inflorescence an open, branched, panicle with many flowers on stalks 1-2 cm long; floral bracts glandular-toothed, petals 7-9 (rarely 11), white with pink veins to rose, egg-shaped, 5-13 mm long; sepals 2, glandular-toothed; stamens 5-6.
Capsules, egg-shaped; seeds usually 3 (1-5), deep brown-red to black, shiny, 1.5-2 mm long.
Synonyms and Alternate Names:
Lewisia columbiana subsp. rupicola (English) Ferris
Lewisia rupicola English