Perennial herb from a stolon or rhizome; stems sprawling or ascending, 20-50 cm long, glabrous.
Alternate, pinnately compound; leaflets usually 5, opposite, elliptic to egg-shaped, 6-20 mm long; stipules large, triangular, membranous.
Inflorescence a compact, long-stalked, axillary umbel of 3 to 9 pea-like flowers, the umbel-stalks with a generally 3-parted bract just below the umbel; corollas with yellow banner, pink-purple wings and purple-tipped keel; calyces 5-6 mm long, the teeth slightly shorter than the tube, the upper 2 joined for about 1/2 their length.
Pods, linear-oblong, 2-3 cm long; seeds few.
If more than one illustration is available for a species (e.g., separate illustrations were provided for two subspecies) then links to the separate images will be provided below. Note that individual subspecies or varietal illustrations are not always available.
Illustration Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia
Origin Status | Provincial Status | BC List (Red Blue List) | COSEWIC |
Native | S2 | Red | E (Nov 2010) |
Synonyms and Alternate Names:
Lotus formosissimus Greene
In B.C., Lotus corniculatus, L. denticulatus, L. micranthus, L. nevadensis, L. pedunculatus, L. pushianus, and L. tenuis have reduced stipules represented by blackish glands, whereas L. formosissimus has membraneous stipules. L. pinnatus in B.C. has yellow and white flowers and lacks a foliar bract, whereas L. formosissimus has yellow and pink flowers and often has foliar bracts.
Source: British Columbia Conservation Data Centre |